Apology The Willingness For Growth

Hello everyone, Good day and welcome to my blog.


My personal journey reflecting back I could remember that there were some stages in my life that I found very difficult to say. I'm sorry for the things I have done wrong but because I needed peace to reign I have to say sorry. Although it has not been an easy task for me to say sorry but I just have to say sorry for that same amazing moment to continue.

Although I find it very difficult to say sorry and I also realized that it doesn't take anything from me to say I'm sorry and not only for the sake of peace to reign, this also shows that you really are and acknowledge the fact of what you did is wrong and a way of sincerity.

There are stages where we misunderstood ourselves and feel we don't need the relationship between us due to the level of offense that might have offended each other but the word sorry can change things and put things in the right place.

The word sorry is more than an apology . It is the sincerity from the heart showing that you admit what you did was wrong whether you are at fault or not. This is the point where sincerity comes in and proves that I'm sorry.

I could easily remember years back went I was in secondary high school I had a friend who was very close to me most we shared thing in common and we have been friends since junior college our friendship have no bounds but an incident happened between us and I was read to end the relationship between we have over years just because of a silly mistake and she was not ready to say i'm sorry and I was not also read at all to say sorry even though it's wasn't my fault.

First he stopped talking because choose another person over me but we have been friends for years so to me and I feel the was no point for me to go and apologize to her since I was not at fault the misunderstanding we was just common that we can easily sorry and let our friendship continue but because we found it difficult to say sorry.

After years have gone by he was able to realize what is truly friendship was whenever it is my birthday I always remember how our day used to be because we have the same birth month and day so before we usually celebrate our day together, so it has been a years now we stop talking to each other but I was surprised last year he came and apologize to me that he was sorry that it was his fault that wouldn't choose another person over our friendship I was happy we got back our friendship because we were able to say sorry to each other it was time for our birthday we celebrate it together.

The sorry we said to each other helps to strengthen the bone of our friendship
The ability to say sorry can possibly fix things in place where they are needed and also the ability to forgive and let go is the willingness for proper growth of friendship and showing how mature you are to fix things that are necessary.

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