Exploring the Uniqueness of India's Cultural Soup! My entry to Neoxian city: Writing prompt #3

Hello and welcome back to my blog!

We are already in the middle of 3rd month and it's time for another Neoxian writing challenge. Read more about it here. Neoxian City: Writing Prompt #3

This month's prompt had a lot of questions so let me give a detailed response to each one of those.

What are the things I am proud of in my county?

I come from India, a major developing nation in Asia and even though my country is facing some challenges but the things that I love about this country outweigh those easily.

First of all, I am proud to be an Indian. This land has been the birthplace of four major religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Each of those living peacefully for thousands of years. India is so rich in culture and the linguistic diversity makes it more incredible.

India has been the land of sages and Yogis who have taught us spiritual practices and given the gift of Yoga to the world. Some of the major board games like Chess and Ladders and snakes originated from India.

India is one of the most beautiful places on earth and has a variety of landscapes ranging from the great Himalayas in the north to calm beaches in the south. From active volcanos to frozen glaciers, from highly inhabited fertile plains along the rivers to the barren islands, from the deserts of Thar to the mangroves of Sunderbans we have it all. Almost every type of biome is available in India.

This makes India a megadiverse country in biodiversity of flora and fauna. Some of the national parks here are just trips to the heavens for nature lovers.

Many of those species of plants and animals are endemic to this land only.

Apart from its Natural attraction, India maintains a high rank in the list of man-made wonders. Most people will only talk about monuments like the Taj Mahal but we have a lot of other ancient structures worthy of the Wonder of the world tag.

Humayun's Tomb

How about the massive Kailasha Temple, the biggest monolithic man-made structure carved out of a single rock from top to bottom? Or the Temples of Khajurao and Hampi, or the Tungnath Temple, the highest Shiva temple in the world? The list goes on and on.

I have visited a few temples and other historical monuments myself. That was the reason I started the #IncredibleIndia series on Hive.

Incredible India Ep #7, Lotus Temple

This land has produced some of the brightest minds from the field of maths, science, arts and engineering. We always believed in science and we had some of the best experts in astronomy. Also, we had one of the first Universities in the world. Students came from all over the world to study in the likes of Nalanda, Takshashila etc.

Even in the current times, we are one of the strongest economies of the world and many people estimate that this century is the century of India. Keep in mind that we came out of the clutches of Colonialism quite recently and most of the country simply looted which funded some of the biggest cities of Europe at that time. Some studies claim that India before colonial powers arrived on its shore contributed to around 30% of the world GDP which went down to less than 2% in 1947 during the time of our Independence.

But we stood up literally from the grasp of poverty and hunger and now look stronger than ever before.

So, to answer the question of whether my country has what it takes to develop me as a person, Yes it has everything. I don't think you need to step out of the country for anything. Of course, some people go abroad to get an education in big named Universities which is fine as long as they are getting a good education.

Would I go to another country if given the chance? A big NO. Not saying this because I am a nationalist or too patriotic. Simply because many people don't realise that each state or in some cases districts within those states are like a different country of its own. From food to language to culture, everything changes within a few hundred kilometres. So, If I would ever get bored I can simply go and live in another state. That doesn't mean people are not connected or such.

To summarise, India is a cultural mess but a good kind of mess like a soup with thousands of ingredients and each contributing something positive to the taste of the entire soup.

Thanks for reading...

Until next time...


  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Photos were taken from my phone and edited using the "Snapseed" app.
  • Text dividers are from @cryptosharan.
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