My Beginning on Neoxian City


My new Tribe Account start

New Tribe

New Community

With many knowledge and opportunities to follow


Now is time to answer some questions

  1. Who I'm?

My official account is

I start writing about my life and projects i use but after see many tribes i make some
( POB, LEO, SPORTS ) alt accounts to have the chance write / curating only inside post according to community rules

Now i make a new tribe alt account for Neoxian which i find have some power
( tokens ) on my official account

  1. Why come on this Tribe?

Because i see the @neoxian weekly post
Made me want to participate on this community

  1. What do you going to post?

Like i write above i have some other tribe accounts which i use for related community post

POB - for memories i want to remember after years

LEO - everything about money related

SPORTS - about Sports and Actifit posts

Now on Neoxian i will write events and details about my city ( I'm lucky because is big ) when i see the name of the community think about my city and what i want to write and the combination made so that i will do.

If you have any other question for me to answer feel free to write in comments

My new journey start and i hope to worth it

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