Neoxian City weekly paper - 2022-10-02


Welcome to the Neoxian City weekly

Welcome folks to your weekly installment of what's going down in the City of Neoxian. If you haven't already, come in and join us in our Matrix chat to see what the latest is.

You can create a new account from the portal. BIG NEWS!

In the words of Mr Dragon himself,

"🐲🐉 BIG NEWS GUYS: Do you need to create a Hive Account? You can now do it with Neoxag! For 1500 neoxag, you can create a new hive account (like if you are onboarding a friend, or you just need a new account for something). You go to and click "Sign up"."

Amazing! New hive accounts through our very own Neoxian portal. Very cool!

New Bro/Neoxag Liquidity Pools and Rewards!

We have added a new liquidity pool for Bro/Neoxag. Funded with bro and neoxag and 500 hive reward pool to those providing liquidity!

Read about it here!

post-promotion is back in matrix chat

Post-promotion is found at

Sidenote: Mr Dragon will not vote terrible posts. EVEN IF you win a giveaway.

delegate your workerbee to @neoxianminer.


We are running a hive engine witness node. Please don't forget to vote:

Please delegate your WORKERBEE to @neoxianminer if you would like to take part in our mining pool. The aim of this mining pool is to mine BEE whilst earning a little for the neoxian burn fund.

With the burn fund we will then buy back neoxag from the market and burn it.

Get better votes by using the website!

Please remember to use our website, it doesn't cost you anything. By only using our tag there is a 20% levvy on your neoxag earnings.

The city is now located in Matrix chat

Please visit us in Matrix.
Element is one client you can use:

Matrix information:

My id there is
Neoxian city chat:

Where do you fit into the City of Neoxian?

A lot of people come here and get sucked into the friendliness of our server. Some people want to take on roles in the city, others just want to chat and have a good time. There's nothing wrong with either!

What we haven't seen many of though is those wanting to create new roles and responsibilities for themselves in Neoxian City. Our Dragonmaster Neoxian is always open to new ideas.

Do you have a special talent? Let us see! Join our Matrix chat.
-- we encourage growth here. What benefits us, also benefits you.

We have already started a School, A minetest server, A banking service, games, and so much more.

What can you bring to us?

City of Neoxian Puzzler

Well done to everyone that burned neoxag. Thre results are in and I am happy to say that @Shrazi is our winner with a mahoosive burn of 41,000+ Neoxag.

Well done Shrazi, you win a top prize of 200 Hive

Since @xawi also burned a substantial amount of Neoxag and was just scraped past by Shrazi, I will hand xawi a 2nd prize of 50 Hive.

Prizes will be gifted tomorrow.

There will be no puzzler this week, but hold onto your hats for the next one.

This weeks Giveaway winners!

Thanks to @rosecane who designed this lovely graphic we can now show you all winners of the giveaways in our server

@sholex & @rehan12 being this weeks top looters!

Curation Station!

Our curators regularly scour the whole of Neoxian to find the best and sometimes most undervalued work to send into planetary orbit with our humungous weighted curation trail. If you observe our tribe we have one of the best trending pages and that is because our administration team weight the trail down with their HUGE votes.

These are our picks:

Please note: We only support original content here.We will exact vengeance with extreme prejudice on plagiarists and spammers. So we want to see you unleash that creativity of yours. When you create you get better at what you do. When you plagiarise it is a wasted effort, and we don't like wastefulness or laziness here.

We also take our tags seriously. So please try and use the relevant tags as we will only vote on those with them. We won't be voting a picture of your cat with SPT for example. SPT is for Splinterlands.

Our best picks of the week will be featured on our weekly newspaper highlights.

Best picks of the week

Our First pick of the week is from @drax

Film Review: Hamlet (1990)


An honest review

Curated by @sayee

Our next pick of the week is from @justfavour

My Worst Experience As A Mediator


Human relationships

Curated by @sayee

Our next pick of the week is from @mnurhiver

High Peak Pantan Eggplant (Pantan Terong) Central Aceh || On the way home I had an accident


Sorry that you had an accident while having great day with friends, And thanks GOD that you all are safe 🙏
Curated by @shrazi

Our next pick of the week is from @andrearojas55

An incredible outing with friends and food


Happy Birthday to your Friend
Curated by @shrazi

Our next pick of the week is from @baibuaza

The vegetarian Festival has begun in Phuket!


Never really heard about Vegetarian festival! Have you fellow readers heard about it??

Curated by @rehan12

Our next pick of the week is from @borjan



The author shared some magnificent scenarios from different time of the day

Curated by @rehan12

Our next pick of the week is from @ijohnsen



The author write about how human wants can never be satisfied

Curated by @burlarj

Our next pick of the week is from @hopestylist



The author shared why she likes the military as a profession and the reason why she would love to become one

Curated by @burlarj

Our next pick of the week is from @sofathana

Between mountains, peaks and lagoons... PART II / Sierra Nevada National Park, Mérida - Venezuela [ENG-ESP]


The author shares her amazing travel exploration between mountain peaks and lagoons in Venezuela.

Curated by @udezee

Our next pick of the week is from @mrnightmare89

Vendors (A Festive Celebration Part 2)


The author shares with us a fiesta they celebrate in Philippines. A celebration close to Christmas. That's to tell us how big it is in his country

Curated by @udezee

Our next pick of the week is from @isaacngore

What is your experience in Saving money? Is saving of more benefit when compared to investments?


The author have shared his thoughts on the topic " Saving VS Investment". I do believe everything is important at there place, invest and saving both are necessary.

Curated by @bhattg

Our next pick of the week is from @erikah

Grape Leaves, I Iove Them


The author have shared really great photographs of Grape Leaves, that looks really amazing for sure haven't seen this type of leaves before.

Curated by @bhattg

This is our weekly edition of NeoxianCity Newspaper. We would like to congratulate all the featured Authors. keep up the high-quality original content-generating work.

Burning 451 neoxag to promote this post!


Neoxian is a Hive Witness



You can vote for @neoxian on HIVE Witnesses

Do you know that you can earn NEOXAG tokens as passive income by delegating HIVE to @neoxiancityvb.

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