Neoxian City weekly paper - 2021-01-31


Welcome to the Neoxian City weekly

Welcome folks to your weekly installment of what's going down in the City of Neoxian. If you haven't already, come in and join us in our discord to see what the latest is.


Watch out for our new server in the midst of censorship

In the words of Mr Dragon himself:

"Ok guys, this is important. I'm seriously considering leaving Discord for a more decentralized chat. So far the best candidate is called Element.

It is decentralized and open source, and features encrypted messaging. It has clients on android, apple and desktop (windows and Linux). I would encourage everyone to sign up and give this a try. My id there is I created a city chat:

Please join up and check it out."


Citizen of the Month will run from the 10th of each Month


Guild of Neoxian looking for new members

In the words of Mr Dragon himself,

"Had to kick two people out of the guild, they are still posting on Steem. I will not tolerate that. I'll take this as far as I need to go. If I have to shut the guild down, shut the city down, then I will do it."


delegate your workerbee to @neoxianminer.


Please delegate your WORKERBEE to @neoxianminer if you would like to take part in our mining pool. The aim of this mining pool is to mine BEE whilst earning a little for the neoxian burn fund.

With the burn fund we will then buy back neoxag from the market and burn it.


You can use as per usual now. Neoxag is safe to deposit and tip

After several days of hard work from mr Dragon and the team, the neoxag tipping function is ready to go. You may deposit and tip as much (or as little) as you like.


@neoxiancityvb is back up.

You may use @neoxiancityvb again at it seems to be working.


Minetest is down for the time being

Sadly, because I, @raymondspeaks was struck down with covid at Christmas I let the minetest server lease lapse. However, it should be back up in a week or so.


Our Neoxian City School is now officially open to citizens

Want to learn to write better? How about kicking ass on Discord? Maybe you just want a few tips and tricks on something or other. Whatever your splice of thought I'm sure we have it at the school.

You have to be a citizen or over. This is top grade education stuff that you would otherwise have to pay for. Free, in our awesome city.

Please also ask for tutorials. It's better if I have an idea what you want rather than stabbing in the dark.

Enjoy :)


Get better votes by using the website!

Please remember to use our website, it doesn't cost you anything. By only using our tag there is a 20% levvy on your neoxag earnings.


The city is now located in Element chat

Please visit us in Element.

Element information:

My id there is
Neoxian city chat:


Where do you fit into the City of Neoxian?

A lot of people come here and get sucked into the friendliness of our server. Some people want to take on roles in the city, others just want to chat and have a good time. There's nothing wrong with either!

What we haven't seen many of though is those wanting to create new roles and responsibilities for themselves in Neoxian City. Our Dragonmaster Neoxian is always open to new ideas.

Do you have a special talent? Let us see! Come in and see if you can do something for us -- we encourage growth here. What benefits us, also benefits you.

We have already started a School, A minetest server, A banking service, games, and so much more.

What can you bring to us?


Curation Station!

Our curators regularly scour the whole of Neoxian to find the best and sometimes most undervalued work to send into planetary orbit with our humungous weighted curation trail. If you observe our tribe we have one of the best trending pages and that is because our administration team weight the trail down with their HUGE votes.

These are our picks:

Please note: We only support original content here.We will exact vengeance with extreme prejudice on plagiarists and spammers. So we want to see you unleash that creativity of yours. When you create you get better at what you do. When you plagiarise it is a wasted effort, and we don't like wastefulness or laziness here.

We also take our tags seriously. So please try and use the relevant tags as we will only vote on those with them. We won't be voting a picture of your cat with SPT for example. SPT is for Steemonsters.


Our best picks of the week will be featured on our weekly newspaper highlights.

Best picks of the week

Our First pick of the week is from @masummim50

Digital color on pencil portrait drawing


A beautiful work of art.

Curated by @sayee


Our next pick of the week is from @travelingmercies

Toasts for breakfast


Breakfast in a 'cupcake'. Authentic food ideas.

Curated by @sayee


Our next pick of the week is from @mhizerbee

My Tuesday meal


Tuesday meal by mhizerbee, complimented with the recipe
Curated by @udezee


Our next pick of the week is from @jaynie

What is a LIFESTYLE BLOG and is your content a good fit?


In this post, the author shares her thought on what lifestyle blogging is all about.

Curated by @udezee


Our next pick of the week is from @zanoz

DIY: Drum Kit (Step by step process)


If you are a fan of Music, you might be aware of DRUMS. This post is about crafting a drum kit shared by an author

Curated by @burlarj


Our next pick of the week is from @machiqui63

[Eng-Esp] Hive Creative Contest |Roadtrip to Maracaibo 🚗 Pa´ Maracaibo por carretera me voy


The author shared a road trip experience with us all!

Curated by @burlarj


Our next pick of the week is from @janettyanez

Cryptocurrency Is The Competition Of Power


The author share more ways of earning with cryptocurrency and how to go about it

Curated by @rehan12


Our next pick of the week is from @invest4free

dCity Investments - When to buy a Law Firm


The author shared a way to minimize tax on dcity using law firm

Curated by @rehan12


Our next pick of the week is from @maxwellmarcusart

Portrait Drawing Of A Friend @marybellrg


Let us take a look at this amazing drawing.

Curated by @olaexcel


Our next pick of the week is from @tegoshei

It's My Friend's Birthday Soon, So I Painted Her... <3


The author draw amazing picture of her friend on her birthday with a simple explanation.

Curated by @olaexcel


Our next pick of the week is from @malomi

😌😌 ARE YOU BORED IN QUARANTINE? 5 things to do and NOT die trying 😍 [ESP-ENG]


Nice tips for the home quarantined. Plus amazing thumbnail & Formatting!

Curated by @xabi


Our next pick of the week is from @nestorgarcia

Lujosa Belleza en París- Ilustración a color / Estilo tradicional❤️‍👨


Awesome work. Love the color contrast.

Curated by @xabi


This is our weekly edition of NeoxianCity Newspaper. We would like to congratulate all the featured Authors. keep up the high-quality original content-generating work.

Burning 562 neoxag to promote this post.



Neoxian is a Hive Witness



You can vote for @neoxian on HIVE Witnesses

For further details & information join Neoxian City discord server


Do you know that you can earn NEOXAG tokens as passive income by delegating HIVE to @neoxiancityvb.

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