Dear Hive, I have retired on crypto.

Hello Hive people,

Yes, I have done what most of you are trying to do, I have retired on crypto. I did it last year, I sold some Ethereum and Bitcoin during the highs and cashed out.

If I play my cards right, I may never have to work a normal day job ever again (unless something completely crazy or drastic happens). I finally quit my day job as an ordinary Software Engineer, a career I had for about 25 years since graduating from college.

Feels good Man

(meme image found on the internets)

Yes, this is how it feels.

So..Neo...what do you do all day?

Uh yea, that's a great question. I do find that the day passes by, and I haven't done that much, ha ha! If you want to call me lazy, go ahead. Yea sometimes I take a long luxurious nap in the middle of the day, play lots of video games, goof off, write dumb posts like these.

I suppose Hive and Splinterlands, my Tribe and my city chat group keep me busy. I still secretly and quietly give out loans from time to time, so I have a lot of bookkeeping and customer service type stuff to do. I still research and dabble in cryptos.

I did recently purchase a house and have been fixing it up. Painfully close to being able to move in soon, maybe in a few weeks.

I am very frugal and boring

I bet many here imagined that once I cashed out, that I'm living it up, that I purchased a Lambo, and 20 room Mansion. Nope! I drive a very normal and average car. You'd never notice it on the street. Same with the house, very normal, and small, average place.

I am a financial ninja, hiding in plain sight, I wear no fancy jewelry or fancy clothes, just jeans and a hoodie or whatever. No who sees me knows my true powers.

(picture from

So...was I lucky or good?

Both I guess? Certainly I was very lucky to have stumbled onto Bitcoin so early on (see my previous post for some hints on that). I purchased and obtained this bitcoin so very very cheaply and then hung on to it, through thick and thin. Riding the ups and downs, continuing to plug away at my dull day job all the while, wondering if Bitcoin would just die, so many said it would. But they were wrong, Bitcoin is strong, and can never die.

One guy told me "as soon as my Bitcoin doubled, I would have sold it." And..that would have been smart. If I had doubled my money, I would have felt brilliant, afterall, how often can one 100% their investment, that's quite good. But I didn't do that, and here I am.

Sorry, I guess this is another bragging post.

You have any advice for me, oh wise one?

I'm surprised that not more people are banging down my door to advice on how to get rich on crypto. A few former colleagues have contacted me after catching wind of what I have done, to ask me something about crypto. One was even former boss of mine, heh.

But really, hmm. I'm sure everyone wants me to say something like "hey if you just buy XXXX coin and wait for 6 months, it will 1000x and you'll be rich". But of course I'll never say anything like that. That's not how it works.

What I accomplished was a process that started in 2010 and has gone on until now (2022), so that's at least a 12 year process. And honestly I think it started before then, I had to be in a position where I was well off, with a good career and enough savings that I could afford to throw money randomly at things, so this really was a life long process.

My advice is to be PATIENT and BORING. That's how I did it. But people are not going to listen to this advice, because it's boring, sorry. Many will instead aggressively trade poo coins and dog coins hoping for faster results. Well, good luck with that.

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