Judging others is not a pleasure !!

Human has a strong mentality to judge others. It's also a survival technique. If we can't judge what is going on and what others are preparing and doing our back, we will lag ourselves out. But, judging can also be very harmful. Continuously judging others' works is not a healthy process. It doesn't make us understand others better, rather we become more judgemental towards others. So, if you are the one who loves to judge others, can you get out of the mentality?



I think we should replace the work 'Getting out' with 'other alternatives'. We may not manage ourselves to get rid of judging mentality but we certainly can replace other alternatives to make our as well as others' lives better. First of all, we need to understand that our 'judgment' may not gonna help others to change themselves in a better way. rather we sometimes make their life worse. So, we can practice something other. Let me explain!

If you can't help yourself from judging, do that secretly. Don't express your opinion. People have their own life, own choices. It's not possible to make them understand what we are feeling towards some of their acts. And it's not granted that they will take our feedback always positive. So, don't say any word, that's the best option.

But the first one may not give your soul peace. So, try to 'leave and let it go'. Focus on your own life. Leave what others are doing or not doing what they need to do. Sometimes our own relatives or even offsprings don't make us feel good. But that doesn't mean we can't ignore their acts. Leave the thought, not the person. Let it go from your heart.

Accept others. Accepting other's thoughts, way of life needs lots of courage. It's not a pleasure to accept what we don't belief in. But we need to me more compromising towards life, otherwise we will make our lives more worse this way.

Judging others is not a pleasure. It accupies our brain by thinking about others. Rather we need to practice to focus on our lives and our own developments. I think practicing will gradually help us to replace this mentality. I hope this helps a little bit!

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