Morning Dews Can Be Super Cooling!

Let's imagine this together...


Waking up after a somewhat dream you're not sure if it was a good one or bad one.
Opening your eyes to see it's not so bright outside but the dews are covering your window glasses.
You get up from your bed, put on your ear phone to listen to that particular favourite song of yours.
You go outside your house that early morning to walk in the small path you created close to a garden
You find a seat covered with water from the dew but it didn't matter, you sat down comfortably


How cooling would that make you feel?
Well, for me I would be confused on which exactly caused the cooling I experienced. Was it the morning dew really? Or was it the music I was listening to? Or was it the short walk I took that morning? everything seem cooling about that morning.

I've tried all the methods separately and they do calm me down so well especially when I see the morning dews during normal hot season (Well, I have to be awake very early to see it) so I guess it's the most natural and not easy to find if I want to cool down.


When I'm unable to wake up early, music does it for me... I do have specific songs that actually cools me down so I can't say music in general. There's this old blues song my dad would always play for my siblings and I when we were younger to fall asleep.

I still have that song in my phone, the song still cools me down... Too cooling that I could fall asleep (can one fall asleep while cooling down or am I being weird?)


Delicious meals cools me down too! Hehe, don't laugh at me. I may not have favourite meals but eating meal I crave for at a particular time can cool me down too.

Imagine craving for some burgers and your friend happens to buy one for you when visiting... That reaction you give out after the first bite is cooling to me! Or is it not? 😁


Watching romantic movies cools me down too. I'm a lover of Kdramas because they are really good with romance genre movies so I run to that playlist when I want to cool down.

Smiling, blushing and feeling excited about the characters falling in love or loving themselves innocently... All that reactions tends to make me calm and cool, I love the feeling 🥰

Drinking cold water, cold fruits or taking ice cream can also cool me down but I won't say much about these... They are obviously cooling, hehe.

This is my entry to the Ecencydiscord contest organized by @beeber and I had fun writing this, you can too... Check out the contest post link to participate.


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