NFTs are Dead and we're all Pretending that they aren't

NFTs are Dead and we're all Pretending that they aren't

Source: 9Gag

NFTs are Dead and we're all Pretending that they aren't

Hello everyone!

Quite dramatic, clickbaity title, isn't it? I knew you would love it 😅

This post will be fairly short, as it's more of a rant than anything else. The truth is that NFTs became a huge joke across the general population, and the public opinion is that NFTs are just a gimmick from "cryptobros" that wanted to make a quick buck back in 2020-2021, or a tool used by scammers.

Take a look at these memes that went viral on 9Gag / Reddit recently. This is the public opinion: NFTs are worthless; people who bought NFTs were stupid; and people who still defend NFTs are even stupider (or a smartass trying to earn some money).

Is this reversible? I doubt it. Once people think that something is bad and associated with scams, it's almost impossible to change it.

Unfortunately, I don't see NFTs making a comeback, even on the gaming industry where it's actually useful. All AAA-gaming companies froze their NFTs projects to avoid the bad press, and the "new projects" that are being released are all scummy and weird; cash-grabs, if you want. So we're stuck with old projects that were able to keep going despite all the shit that hit the fan, like Splinterlands and Gods Unchained; but they lack the power to "save the face" of NFTs, as the number of active players is just negligible when compared to the total number of internet users.

Thanks for reading this post, and until next time!

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Unless stated otherwise, all images are created and owned by me. Also, believe it or not, I'm not actually a squirrel! This handsome rodent in my profile picture is a character from 'Conker: Live & Reloaded'. Here's Real Life me!

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