The Rotten Cerbera Manghas

This fruit is called Cerbera Manghas. In Indonesia it is called Bintaro. It is not edible. It also has a dangerous toxin. Bintaro fruit sap is very dangerous when exposed to wounds. The toxin is cerberin.

Cerberin merupakan senyawa glikosida yang dapat menghambat saluran ion kalsium dalam otot jantung manusia.Sehingga membuat detak jantung tidak stabil yang berujung dengan kematian.
Cerberin is a glycoside compound that can inhibit calcium ion channels in human heart muscle. This makes the heartbeat unstable, which leads to death.
It is better for kids to avoid this fruit when playing. The fruit is like a mango. It is dangerous when you bite this fruit. It is also suggested to avoid getting your wound exposed to the sap. In the past, the sap of the fruit was used to smear poison on arrows.
This time , I would like to show some photos of the rotten cerbera mangas on the side of the street.

Bintaro trees are often planted on the side of the street to make a greener area. The tree is a good absorber of CO2.

I took the photo with my phone camera. It has no macro setting. That is why when I take a photo in the close distance, the result is blurry. The picture of the car is clearer.

From all the photos, the fruit looks bigger than the car. Thanks for watching. I hope you enjoy my post.

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