Sewing day at home

Hello friends of the community, today I am here to tell you about another of my days, in this case one of my favorites because it is when we are all at home and spend a day with the family.

My day began at 8:30 in the morning, after getting ready to start my daily activities I had breakfast with my two favorite people in the world, a margariteño breakfast made up of arepas, stewed rays, beans and cherry tomatoes from our "Conuquito" .

breakfast with my grandparents

When I finished breakfast I got ready to make some curtains for my room, so I set up my sewing workshop on the porch of the house, I spent a good part of the morning sewing.

When I finished the curtains, for today, I took a break and then went to my little flower garden to water them. Since the island has been very hot lately, the little water that I can throw at them, due to scarcity, is not working for them, so I moved the earth so that the water could get closer to the roots.

plants in my garden

At noon I went to my mother's house to visit my grandmother Yeya, since I can remember they call her that but her name is actually Leidys, and Jesús, my brother

my mother prepares us a delicious sancocho, this day of Lamparosa, a type of fish that is caught in Manzanillo, a fishing village located here, in the Antolín del Campo municipality, was delicious.

My lunch, lamparosa soup

Then I went back to my house to bathe and help my grandmother make ice creams, or rather Boobs, as they are called here because of their shape.

60 ice creams came out for sale, this is how we help ourselves financially, due to the high cost of living and little purchasing power.

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