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A beautiful sunday morning walk in the sunshine

My wife and I went out for a lovely walk this morning. We went along the riverbank path at Crammond (on the edge of Edinburgh in Scotland). We actually tried to walk along the seafront, but there was an icy wind blowing and it was way too cold !


Although really cold, it was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, and we were catching really nice reflections in the river.


It was quite nice at the weir - you can see the calm in the reflection before the water goes over the edge !


I'm usually quite organised and I'd like to say that I had my ducks all in a row, but I'm afraid it was seagulls this morning !


I like the ruined mill that is part way along the path (just down from the weir). Its great how the path now goes through it.


And we were catching nice reflections in the water, all along the walk.


The pic above looks inland towards the hills near Stirling, which were covered in snow. We had a dump of snow in Edinburgh yesterday, but it was largely melted by today.


And there was quite a lot of seagulls flying around just at the rivers mouth.


And above is another reflection shot.


The path was shaded for most of the walk, and hence it was quite cold. I would have been pretty happy to have been basking in the sun up in those trees on the other side of the river !


And one more reflection shot (above) - I had to wait here for a min or two for the ripples to die down, after someones dog had been chasing sticks in the water - it must have been cold for the poor thing !


Well, we enjoyed our sunday walk. We got our steps in, even if we were frozen by the time we got back to the car !
