leave it like that after getting old

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Today I am present with a new post What do you see in the photo of my post?
Look right, it's a tree. This tree is as old as everything has fallen. Once upon a time this tree was also young and as it grew old it became old, such is the body of man. Once upon a time this tree was also young and as it grew old it became old, such is the body of man. Whatever may be the world, whether it is a human or a tree or an animal, first it is stolen, then it becomes young, then slowly the youth sets in and it becomes old. It happens .

First, when he is young, then man also needs a human being, he is a tree, he is an animal, because at that time his need would have been fulfilled. And when he slowly starts getting old, then his need ends and he starts looking at It has become the custom of the world, keep away from what is useful and keep away from what is useful, as it belongs to
the.the tree. As long as he was small, he was allowed to grow up and as soon as he grew up, he started harvesting and when it was over, he did it again and then when the new
part came to him.

also cut. And it continued like this and one day it came when the slab stopped coming out and it slowly dried up and left the tree. Now you have to leave it, now Manusaye's work is over, because now he has become old. The cookie that becomes weak from inside and some twigs of the feet fall off the jar of happiness and some mosquitoes give hollow jars from inside. And now this tree has dried up, now someone must have wanted its wood, so it is a tree, it will cut it completely and the tree will end, O our Human of body.

When he gets old, no one asks Cookie Now he will not be able to work Cookie He is old now.

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