The Walled Kitchen Garden and Museum

We explored an 18th century walled kitchen garden today. It is very popular with visitors and has won many awards.

Back in the day, fruit and vegetables were grown in the greenhouses which supplied food to the resident Duke at Clumber Park. Most of the produce today is used in the restaurant and cafes that are on the estate.

The spring flowers were in full bloom with lots of beautiful tulips and daffodils. The glasshouse is a Grade II listed structure and is the longest glasshouse that is owned by the National Trust.

There is also a garden museum with lots of garden tools from the past (some of them I can remember). It definitely gave you a feel for how basic the tools were. Poor gardeners!

It was an interesting visit, the walled gardens are beautifully kept. There's only a few employed gardeners working there but thankfully, they are assisted by volunteers.

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