Fascinating World that we live in - Just observe its habitants!

I'd like a second opinion

Hey that's a cool thing you got there, but isn't it illegal?


Here, take a look at this illegal thing that this guy did? Seems illegal right?


But wait....who determines what's right? Illegal just means people with governments don't like it.

All fun and games until someone earns a nickel...

Let's all be reasonable though first.

Are we following laws not yet written... or Guiding ourselves in this brave new world?

What's the illegal things again? Oh yeah, selling to not rich US residents. In the US you literally have to be registered as rich to buy things might make you money.....think on that. You are also protected from a slough of terrible non-investments, now think on that part too.

Are we so afraid that some government might make a law or just glance in our general direction that we become paralyzed to do anything interesting or important???

@aggroed isn't. And I isn't either. Ain't neither and neither shouldn't y'all ain't.

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