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I was a little sick. Covid? :O

Last week was completely shit for me.
I was sick, felt sick or on my way to become sick.
It felt like Covid again. So fun fun fun.
My entire body was acheing.

But hey!

It was neither, I wasn't sick or becoming sick and was apperently wasn't Covid either! Yay.

It was just me sleep 5-6 hours a night and getting 30-60 minutes rem sleep a night, fucking with me.

That apperently this is not very healthly to survive on that small amount of sleep and it took me to last Monday the 12th, where I came home from work and laid in my bed under my blanket fully clothes including a hoodie and was still freezing my ass off. Fun time.

Tuesday, when I woke up from my slump of 10 hours in bed and 8 of them slept, I decided to cut all forms of Caffeine and survive on painkillers, which even with the painkillers gave me a massive headache as cutting caffeine does to most people.

Reintroduced 1 cup of coffee and a less bad headache.

With all that going on I might also have a Iron-Deficiency according to google and well, yes don't trust google or google sympoms yesyes. I did and I now that Iron pills for the next 30 days at least.

Yesterday I felt quite good and today Friday I feel so renewed its insane.

So ye. Sleep is important who would have thought?

I think its worth mentioning that I have ADHD, so I am often out of balance or can easily spiral out of any balance I have found and caffeinated products properly wont help me anyways. So I am done.