Achieving Goals without having Goals

Achieving Goals without having Goals

I don't really have a lot of Goals in life anymore. Alot of my previous Goals was to get rich or not to struggle as much as I did and that meant making behavior changes to my life and how I go about things.

I may still not be "rich" but I am in a much much better situation than before! Almost having enough for a down payment on a newly renovated House.

(I saw a house which was renovated in 2017 which looks new and beautiful inside for 1.7m dkk and I am 1-2 months away to have the down payment for a house like that).

A lot of Guru's talk about having a specific goal to go after to make is visable easier! But what happens when you hit that goal? You just stop? or do you keep going? Some goals should be static others can be liquid.

A down payment for a house? Static is good.
Getting into shape? Liquid is better/consistency is better.

I don't do really do static goals or use a budget, I just automate it & wing it xD

Consistency is King no matter what you do. Same with learning!
I want to learn making EDM tracks, as a creative outlet and making even some extra dollars, so I can scale down my 5-9, 'cuz that shit is not working for me anymore.
But am I consistently opening the EDM program? No. I am watching youtube tutorials? No. I want to. But I am not fully committed yet! I might become committed at somepoint as my job continues to suck more and more :D
But dno, I am aware and I have decided not to do anything about it yet.

Everything is just a decision right? :D

Omg. I wrote a post!? And didn't just post a video of gameplay :o

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