Bumblebee in the city! "Autobots transform!!!"

Being a fan of the Transformers franchise, I immediately turned into a kid again when I saw a street performer who appeared to be Bumblebee!

I was not the only one some people were older than me who approached Bumblebee and took a selfie with him. Who wouldn't right? The performer has done a good job in creating his costume.

It was a big hit and the kids were enjoying the show. In case you are wondering, many of the parts of the costume were made with pieces of metal. I think it was because I could hear the screeching sound every time the performer moved around. I can also sense that the costume was heavy based on the difficulty every time he walked.

It may not be perfect but I'm quite amazed by the intricate details that the costume was able to capture. Even the color of the metal was spot on as well. I immediately became a fan of this performer because of the motivation for him to put up a show despite the difficulty of carrying this costume. Another indication of that is his having 2 large luggage which I assume is what he uses to keep all of the parts of the costume.

Even the luggage was colored to match the Bumblebee theme.

If I'm to suggest that what should be added to the performance is a music background or sounds that emulate the lines of Bumblebee in the movies.

I think it will greatly improve the show just by adding sound effects in the background. Here's a good YouTube video that can be played during the performance and this show will become even more lit!

Curamax Footer.jpg

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