The recent update on Axie infinity

I just logged into my axie infinity to play and i realized some of the older update has been re-installed, the likes of seeing your ratings and also the number of slp you earned in arena and adventure, it also shows your exp which is your progess on how far you are levelling up... I found all this so cool and it kinda looks like i fall in love with the game....


Here is me grinding lunacia ruin 20 even tho i have unlocked ruin 21 but the boss there seems unbeatable even tho my axies are in level 22, so i asked a friend and he told me that he was able to win the ruin 21 only when his axies were level 24, so i got to level my axies to level 24 and give it a try again but for now am enjoying the ruin 20 as it helps me to grind faster with each victory giving me around 10 to 19 slp atimes..


This is the update i was talking about, before we dont get to see the exp we earned per victory and how far we have progress with the level but now everything is there and this is kinda motivative as one knows the time it is going to take to get to another level...


I got 15 Slp in just one battle and that is because i played higher ruin, ruin 5 to 9 gives 2 slp, while ruin 11 upward gives 4 slp, so this kinda makes it possible for me to finish the adventure quest in less than fifteen minutes..


I played five matches and completed the 50/50 for adventure, so i moved to arena but i lose more in arena i guess my axies ain't that strong as i thought, i need a reptile! oh well i won a battle in arena and my ratings increased by 17...


I also got 3 slp, i need to take my ratings to 1100 so i can be earning 6 slp per won batttle but that seems impossible cos i am most times paired with killer reptiles..

My axie journey is going well tho and i hope it will keep going smoothly like this..


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