Splinterlands battle mage secrets : Equal Opportunity

Hello Splinter nerds

This week's Splinterlands battle mage secret is Equal Opportunity

It is a rule set in which all monsters gain the opportunity ability which makes them focus their attacks on the monster with the lowest health, It could change if the opponent uses a monster with the taunt ability.

This is one of my favorite rules because there are no limitations to melee monsters' attack, melee can attack from any position which makes it possible to use the strong melee attackers.

I have a battle in which we were given 3 rulesets and Equal Opportunity was among them... The other two rule sets were:


Maneuvers: This is a new rule that got added recently, it gives all melee monsters reach ability which allows them to be able to attack from the second position.

Back to Basics: Monsters lose all their ability in this rule since all monsters have the opportunity ability, the reach ability is not needed.

Based on the rule set, I decided to use strong melee attacks with good health and speed and this is what I could come up with below.

battle link

I use the water splinter summoner Kelya Frendul because of its armor and +1 speed stat to summon mostly melee attackers because I do not have to worry about them being not able to attack in the front position like the range, I did not use magic monsters because they are not powerful enough.

The Cruel Senthropod has a high health base and a good chunk of armor so it fits in as a tank, it would take forever for the opponent tank to take it down and the rear would be busy attacking my monster with the lowest health base, Pelacor Bandit was placed in the second position, it has a high speed and 4 melee attack, it was the first to attack and he eliminated the opponent Fungus Fiend Immediately.*

The Tide Biter is another strong melee attacker and it also took down the opponent Gem Meteor while Uraeus was the scapegoat, it was the monster on my team with the lowest team so it got eliminated by the opponent Regal Peryton at the beginning of round 1

Pirate of Eight eliminated the opponent Moxian rebel while Kulu Swimhunter being the only range monster I used also performed great, it reduces the opponent's health and gives its teammate the chance to eliminate them easily.

I relied on speed and high attack to win this battle!

if you want to be a part of this week's Splinterlands Battle mage secrets, you can join from here

All pictures are gotten from Splinterlands lore and game

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

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Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
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