A Joyous holiday season.

Andrea's POV.....

It is almost Christmas. The holiday season is mostly about family, fun and food. Everyone seems to be in a good mood. I want to have a wonderful Christmas, one free from nagging and filled with serenity. I want this year's Christmas to be so memorable that I would not forget about it for years to come. But that would only happen if aunt Dorothy stays away from the family house this year. Sighs, if only that were ever going to be possible.

Aunt Dorothy is my dad's elder sister and she's regarded as an elder. No one disputes whatever she says. Mum always says that I will get used to it but I know deep down.... I won't.

Photo by Nicole Michalou from pexels

My aunt Dorothy always ruins the mood at the family dinner by cross-examining me like a witness on trial. She probes and pokes me with her questions. "When are you going to bring a man home Andrea?". "All your peers are mothers with two kids already, is this how you are going to live your life, tsk tsk, what a shame". I usually smile and say a simple "soon auntie" and get back to eating.

It's not like I don't want to get married or have kids. I really want those those things but I'm scared...scared of the torture of building only to watch it crumble before your eyes. At least that was how it was for me. I was a lively young woman till Mike came into the picture, swept me off my feet and boom...left me to fall down hard. We had been together for 6 years but it was all a lie. I found out that he had a wife and two kids in another state. The shocking news was revealed on christmas eve...it was his last parting gift to me, a heartbreak.

Ever since then, I had focused more on me, my work and my family. I hid the truth about our break up from my family and they all had a lovely celebration.

The ringing phone brought me out of my reverie. I looked at the caller ID and it was none other than Charles, my partnerr. *"Hey what's up?" I asked. "Are you in your office, I have something important to discuss with you" he replied. "Yes, I am in my office" and with that the call got disconnected.

Twenty minutes later, l heard a knock ...."come in" I said and Charles Montgomery waltzed into my office, filling it up with his aura. "How are you, Adrea?" he asked. " I'm fine, Charles, what brings you here?". Taking a seat in front of me, he stared at me for a while and then spoke..."what's the answer to my question Andrea, I want to hear it from your lips". With shaky hands, I fidgeted with my pen, looking at elsewhere... I was at a crossroad.

Charles Montgomery is a nice man, very understanding as well. He has been asking me for a relationship for ten months and I have never given him an answer. I guess today is the day, huh. I finally looked up to see his pleading eyes, it was sending me an unspoken message...."please give me a chance, Andrea.... please". Sighing deeply, staring into those beautiful blue orbs of his, I said yes...my answer is yes.

Photo by Jonathan Borba from pexels

Was it shock or surprise, I saw in his eyes because they became twice as large as he stood up and walked to my side of the table, and engulfed me in a hug. "Thank you, thank you Andrea, for making this the best holiday season for me". I laughed out loud whilst returning the hug and finding my heart leaping 90 beats per minute.

I guess I finally found a solution for myself and Aunt Dorothy. This year's Christmas celebration is going to be a happy and peaceful one for all of us ...what a joy!

This is my response to the #neoxian city writing prompt #12.

Thank you all for reading.

Leaving people better than you met them is Living...Becky🤗
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