Apology promotes peace and helps to bound

Have there ever been a time you found it difficult to say am sorry? Have you ever said sorry just to make peace even when you know that you are not at fault?

Personally reflecting back i have once being in a situation where i found very difficult to say 😔 sorry but i just had to say it and act it for peace to rain.

Apology goes beyond just saying sorry it means saying sorry and acting it ti prove that you are really sorry.

The 5 letter word pronounced sorry is a very deep word that can save many from problem and its also sometimes the must difficult word to pronounce in sincerity.


I just had to apologize for peace.

Years ago when i was working as a nurse in a hospital something happened.

One day i asked my friend to cover up my shift because i had something important to attend to.

She made a mistake that almost cost a patient life and my she was relieved of her duty and not just that she was stopped from practicing as a nurse, a challenging situation to handle.

She became so upset with me that she picked a fight, come to think of it, how's it my fault? She was the one that made a mistake that resulted to what she's experiencing.

I didn't see the need to apologize because i was still going to pay back the shift she did for me, at some point i remembered what covering my shift have cost her, so i decided to go apologize despite that i never wronged her.
The first day i went to her house with some gift because life really became tough for her and the family, she screamed at me and sent me away, i came back regretting why i went there at first.

After few weeks i decided to try again, i wanted to make peace with her, so i went a second time with a friend, sge also screamed and tried to send us away but i decided to go on my knees.

She started crying and after a while she let us in and we started discussing, she explained what happened that day that lead to the mistake that cost her job.

After everything i apologized to her, explaining how sorry i am and she accepted my apology and smiled, and i left with my friend.

The result.


I gained my friend back, we became friends once again and shared personal problems as usual.

Its been years now she has never joked with me, she surprised me sometime ago.

She went back to school and was able to get a better job, she financial situation changed and she was in a better position, sometime i was in desperate need, to my greatest surprise she came to my rescue financially.

One day she told me that i came to see a different person in me after i consistently came to reconcile with her showed that i really valued her and our friendship since i wasn't the cause of her predicament then.
Our bound grow more stronger than ever.

Humility is the quality that motivates you to apologize when there is any misunderstanding in a relationship either in a marriage or friendship.

Apology helps to strengthen bound and helps relationship to withstand and overcome challenges, it also helps to promote emotional healing when a person is hurt.
Sorry builds trust in a relationship and also reduces conflict and builds understanding between the parties involved.

Conclusively when you apologize to your friend even when you didn't offend him or her shows accountability in your behalf and it also shows maturity and the willingness to grow and become a better person.

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