That is a Hefty Reward


Splinetrlands is Actively changing and we have seen a lot of changes that have been implemented very recently but the most relevant changes that were made must be around the Reward System and how they have now gone from DEC Reward Base System to SPS Reward Based System and naturally they have NERFED the Rewards we were getting previously and even though it Sucks I knew it was coming. After getting my rewards almost half I was accustomed to it and that is when I got this Reward as my Daily Reward Chest.


As you can see I got a lot of SPS and it is around 80 SPS and worth approximately around 5 USD. Even though I know I will not be getting 5 USD worth of Chests every single day it is important to know that there is a chance you get a Good Chest and some Good SPS tokens with it. Now I am pretty sure there is a logical calculation that can show us what exact Rewards we can get on Average but I feel like enjoying the game is better rather than worrying about Rewards.

Plus you also have to factor in the fact that these small reworks are inadvertently giving value to the Game and thus giving value to us the Card Holders. So yeah I am definitely looking forward to my Splinterland Assets getting bigger and better.


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