Have You Tried White Tea?


White Tea is one of the costliest tea in the world and the reason behind it is pretty simple. White Tea made at its best has a lot of benefits for our Bodies if taken in small amounts. So today I will go through a list of benefits our body experiences if we drink White Tea.

Filled with Anti Oxidants

As usual with all good teas comes the added benefit of Anti Oxidants and in this case, white Teas are loaded with polyphenols which help the body to recover from any damage. It has been researched that Polyphenols like catechins are anti-microbial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and anticancer in nature which basically means you get a super boost in your Immunity.

Improves Your Heart

Nowadays Health has become an important thing to consider especially after the Covid Wave but the Heart is something that works in mysterious ways so it is important to take care of it. So drinking White Tea will definitely keep your heart healthy as it has the highest amount of Polyphenols you can find naturally.

Insulin Resistance

Researchers have found out that drinking White Tea on a regular basis can increase your Resistance to Insulin which in turn decreases the Sugar Levels in your Body.

Lose Weight

This is something I can't be sure of as I have never seen it but apparently drinking White Tea increases the metabolism of your Body by around 5 percent which means your body will burn extra Energy and in turn will help you in losing weight.

Apart from all these benefits White Tea also helps in having Glowing Skin and Hair and most importantly help you Relax when you enjoy your CUP OF TEA.


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