Grabbing the bull by its horns to start off the new year productively

Last year I've been postponing a lot

I'm talking stuff that you know you should do immediately but always seems to come into your life at the wrong time. Like when I'm stressed out or trying to finish something else, suddenly there's a letter from the tax office. I have the intention to deal with it asap, but then it turns out nowhere in the near future my head can get the needed details and words on paper that will eventually (most-likely) bring us some unexpected money due to wrong corrections on their behalf. Stuff got in between, and our daughter was ill a lot since she started going to preschool, and all of a sudden the year is over and 2020 knocks on our door.

Until the last letter we received, my boyfriend took care of writing a response to the tax office. I was useless and could only stare at my screen waiting for words to come out.

Slowly I started to have a change of mindset according to many things

Don't get me wrong here, I knew good work takes time and that I should not expect too much of myself immediately. I'm my own worst critic lol, and I know that. The thing is that when I realize this, I can actually stop being hard on myself. I now know that I should not expect miracles to happen in a few days' time. It's best to make sure things happen in a way that I can continue that pass. Like when I quit smoking. I knew this was going to be something we would immediately notice in our wallets and I have to say that since that month, I have a much clearer vision when it comes to our monthly budget.

The end of a smoking era also meant the end of a constant cloudy mind

I can even notice a huge improvement when I compare my physical and mental state in the winter in 2018 and the winter of 2019. I assumed all were caused by my back injury that is a real troublemaker as soon as winter appears, but the weird thing is that this winter it's the first time that I actually manage fine despite this injury. I notice other things improving after I quit smoking as well, things I never connected to that. I still don't feel very happy during winter and can have real bad off days, but the fog in my head isn't here constantly. I even manage to write daily (or almost daily) where the previous winter I only managed to play Steemmonsters, haha.

I'm determined to keep improving and getting rid of bad habits

Not all at once, but one by one. Some may not improve quickly or other attempts may fail at first, but I'm determined to become a better and more productive person this year.

I made a list of the things that I need to get done in the next week, things that are important and some things that may even bring us money in a few months (taxes) if they dismiss the assessments as they should. We want to have more money coming in, and I decided to start with those things that have to be done anyway, and most likely will give us some cash in a few months. A win-win, I get it out of my way and we may get some financial relief from it as well.

Grabbing the bull by its horns as you can see, let's make it a productive and fruitful year!


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