
“Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.”--Harriet Beecher Stowe

Let me sound a little bit like King Solomon😀✌️

There is a mystery I have observed under the sun. Nothing seems to have a smooth ride from start to its establishment!

You begin a business or some endeavour with all gusto and everything is just going well. You have customers, there's great word of mouth referrals, the money is coming in. You begin a new venture, training, or something, your motivation is high, feedbacks are positive and frequent.

Suddenly or gradually, you begin to notice an ebb. Things just seem to begin to go slow, and returns are not as they used to be.

For those who may not understand, you begin to panic. "What is going on?" You can't stop asking yourself.

The mystery bug just bit you! What might make the whole thing more perplexing is that you can't seem to notice anything that you may have done differently.

Don't be alarmed!

You have just been bit by the bug of what I call for lack of a better word "the mystery of dying to live"

You see this in relationships. You see it in businesses. You see it in marriages. You experience it when you buy something new and use it and soon enough the wow-effect fades.
It's just a part of life. In some instances, you can explain why it happens, in others you just can't.

When I see this, the encouragement I get is from what Jesus told His disciples.

"Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain."

I have noticed this, things often go through this "dying" phase before they blossom and shine at a whole new level.

The seed you plant has to die... literally get rotten. Out of that rottenness fresh life sprouts and flourishes eventually producing fruits for the long term.

The first growth is often like infatuation that does not stand the test of time.

The slow season is to help you prepare and launch to a higher plane. Don't panic. It is not a sign of doom, it is a preparation for growth.

Supply your endeavours with the oxygen, water, and environment it needs to sprout and you will see it blossom into a fruitful tree that will serve you for a long time to come. Remember the time that things slow down is not an excuse to give up.

"The more you do, the more committed you are, and the more intent you show NOW, the more it will pay off LATER.
This law only holds true if you put in the energy to push the ball of stone up the mountain. You don’t have to go fast — just make sure you go steady. Because most people quit before they reach the top of the mountain." Darius Foroux

“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”--Dale Carnegie

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