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Meme Challenge #331 - Entry #3

There's an expression that's often used in American films, whether war, detective or even family life, with a greater or lesser degree of irony.
"SIR yes SIR!"
It conveys an image of submission to authority that is anything but passive.
It's quite striking for me because there's no equivalent expression in my language.

This is my third entry for this week in the Meme Challenge #331 hosted by @fibra59.

You can find the rules, the original picture and the last winners of the MemeChallenge in the post below, and maybe you could participate too ? Please join and try to make #memearmy smile for nice rewards!
And good luck !


To play the mirror humor card, I imagined that this authoritative-looking police officer was asking me to make a better meme (than the previous ones) and that this would in itself make a meme.
I'm not sure our officer would appreciate the insolence, but he only knows my nickname, so I think I'm safe.

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I invite @memess.curator to have a look, thanks 🤡

Special thanks for the original Photo to Elijah Pilchard: