Live each separate day as a separate life


Focus on your daily choices and you’ll almost certainly enjoy good long-term results. I actually wrote that to myself. In fact I decided to join 500 Words a Day community to empower my own HIVE journey. If I could inspire someone along this journey I'll certainly be glad.

Please excuse me because I goes off the topic quite a lot. Sometimes I write complete opposite to the topic I choose. I guess from tomorrow I write what I want to write on a paper then choose the title afterwards.

What do I do daily ? I spend lot of my energy thinking about HIVE. Currently I'm developing a system that allow me to simplify and experiment few ideas to bring long term value to our HIVE Ecosystem.

  1. HIVE Conversations. I do this spontaneously and I think I have interviewed 30 something HIVERs via Twitter LiveStreaming so far and it's ongoing. I will update everyone with the list soon. My focus is not the how many people I've interviewed rather I wanted to build a personal relationship with my fellow community members.

  2. Hive London Sunday Meet-up. I do this weekly every Sunday and this week I will be hosting 5th HIVE Meet-up. I know the importance of building local community and meeting HIVERs in real life.

  3. HIVE Daily AMA. Since today I've started hosting HIVE AMA via Twitter at 5pm GMT. I'll keep going with this. if you have HIVE related questions then you ask me directly. Mainly this is for new HIVERS and Confused HIVERS. Also remember my Twitter DM is open 24/7.

  4. #500WordsADay. I write this just before I go to bed daily. I'll keep going with this.

  5. #IAmAliveChallenge ft Five5. I call this TikTok of HIVE. Let’s have some fun and contribute to 3Speak dApp.If you want to do Five5 just make sure your video content is exactly 55 Seconds long and upload it on 3Speak. Tomorrow will be my Day 4. I do this in the afternoon.

  6. #Hive5TweetADay. I asked my fellow HIVE Community members to participate in this. I do this 5-10 times a day. I don't think everyone really understood the WHY. I'll spend sometime in the coming weeks to really explain about HIVE 5 Tweet a Day. Please feel free to read my post about this

  7. I do check HIVE notifications at least twice a day. All Mentions and Replies.

  8. I do check all my Twitter Notifications and DM few times daily.

  9. I do leave handful comments in other people's content. I'm trying to connect with more people as possible. Some people never respond. I guess they just dump contents on HIVE. I just can't do that. I treat everything I use with respect.

  10. I do only manually upvote up until this day and I'll carry on doing.

I'm trying to organise my daily actions and eliminate and simplify these activities and see which of these will bring long term value to our HIVE.


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