Christmas 2020: Sex, Fire, and Some Thoughts on Masculinity

I tell you what, watching rabbits breed is some quality entertainment.

Today I figured it's time to rebreed mombun. The pile buns are nearly six weeks old now, and her sister was bred two weeks ago. Harvest age on buns is ten to fourteen weeks. Of course, I'll list the buns soon for $20 a pop in case anyone wants a cute fluffy pet bun. At that rate I figure they'll be more valuable as cash income than as food. I may be wrong though, I'll have to work up the numbers on how many meals per bun, adding extra consideration because organ meats are soooo good.

Quick figures are around five servings per bun. So with the five buns we'll be harvesting from the first litter that's one supper a week for a month or almost a week of suppers. That's pretty significant, maybe I should set the price at $30.

Dadbun is the white one...

There was some difficulty for these two today. They haven't been on a date together before, and they had to get acquainted. It was almost like they took turns giving each other the rundown... Mombun is about 1.5X the size of dadbun, so I guess she's the dominant animal. Not sure how rabbit social hierarchical systems operate, but mombun was bred to a larger buck the first time, and this was not the behavior that we observed then. Learning. I think my target number is four does serviced by one buck.

Edit to link my first upload on LBRY for humor and educational purposes:

I had a fire last night, Christmas night. Partly because I wanted a fire and partly because I wanted to get rid of some scrap wood we had laying around before Melissa's family came today. It was a fun time, check the pictures I took:

Oh yeah, the fire's started now. Big happy.

Oh yeah. This is a good fire.

Oh yeah. That's a lot of fire. I'm gonna rake the leaves back a bit.

Oh no. That's too much fire. FARMER SAM, GET THE BUCKETS!

I got to play fire man for a little while as the fam played bucket brigade. I had Melissa and Farmer Sam filling 2 gallon buckets and Sophie and Sawyer bringing me their little pint glasses full of water. I got a great kick out of it, but Melissa of course was a bit stressed. Something about not wanting to burn down our house we just finished building... IDK, I knew exactly what I was doing, she just hasn't seen me in action like that before. (Does this paragraph make my ego look fat?)

But that did get me to thinking on masculinity in our society. I knew what was going on, and had a handle on that situation with their help. In society men are portrayed at every turn as incompetent nincompoops that can't handle their business. While there's certainly some men like that (I call them domestics or domesticated men), I'm not like that. I'm a competent man that knows how to handle things, and I had to tell Melissa that after things were wrapped up. I know when to call for help, and I know when I'm in over my head. The house project is another case toward that point. I'm not being toxic, I'm just saying that masculinity has kinda been shat on in the last few decades, and society has suffered for it. Dudes, man up. Ladies, trust your men. It works good that way.

Before I get too preachy, I'll hop off of my soapbox. Vote for me for president of me, that's my platform 😃

Today in a very non burned down house, we had Melissa's family over to celebrate Christmas. Everyone opened gifts and we ate all day long. I got some honey wine for us at the liquor store, and everyone that had some liked it.

Big yum! Sweet and light and smooth, I think this stuff is gonna be a regular feature around here from now on.

New Year's Eve we'll be spending with my family to celebrate 2021 and Christmas together. I work this Monday and Tuesday as non production days. I'll probably just push a broom and play around all day, it'll be great but I'll miss out a bit on Melissa's family being in town. Sucks, but it is what it is.

Is anyone else looking forward to 2021? I feel like it's gonna be a good year. Of course, as intense as 2020 has been, I definitely don't call it a bad year. It's just been a monumental challenge, and I feel like I met it successfully. How do y'all feel about your year?

I'm gonna go watch a show and wind down with Melissa. Y'all have a good evening or whatever time of day it is. Look forward to hearing from you in the comments.

Love from Texas

Nate 💚

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