Cards From My Personal Collection: Barry Bonds 2005 Topps Home Run Anniversary Card HR 109

Barry Bonds is a bit of a touchy subject in baseball. The game's homerun king is known to have used steroids and so it's just pretty awkward. All I can really say is he was certainly not alone as he was literally playing in 'the steroid era' when everyone was using steroids. He still physically hit the homeruns, they still happened. Not saying he should be a Hall of Famer or anything, and maybe his stats should be lessened or something, but he's still a dude that I remember watching pretty fondly. I was a young kid, Bonds was shattering records, it was a pretty fun time is all I can really say. I was literally in Cooperstown when Bonds was about 10 homers shy of passing Hank Aaron. I remember hearing the legendary stories of his 73 homeruns in a single season in 2001. He may have cheated, but he's a part of mine, and many other baseball fan's memories.

Anyway, this card is still pretty fascinating! It details the exact date of Bonds's 109th homer and other info about the at-bat. Pretty cool!

People were likely buzzing about The Exorcist III when Bonds smacked this homer! It was the number one movie the weekend prior!



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