Still Working on That Game to be Built on Hive


Some quick doodles on in game icons unrefined

I've mentioned about working on a game on some previous posts long forgotten. It's been an on and off project for fun. It's all on hobby time and I don't really expect people to be motivated to work on something that they won't be compensated for. The motive behind was just seeing how far we can go.

Note: The game may or may not happen in the future. I'm not promising anything and the post is just talking about the work done on it so far. We're just amateurs who had a lot of free time then and now life took over and we just got more on our plates. I still work on it with the help of new members but the progress isn't that remarkable over the grand scheme.

There have been a lot of changes from since the concept of the game was made. Using blockchain tech to store saves, NFTs, card game, role playing game, and etc whatever was feasible within our skill level.


The progress was posted on the @takipsilim account. The first members were just me, @jazzhero (our programmer), @kothy (co-artist), and @tpkidkai (idk what he will do but hopefully he does the thing). Our mascot is named Stumpy.

How the project came to be
The Art Style
Scrapping what was decided for the revisions


I'm trying to create a multiplayer role playing browser game using the blockchain technology. The game would have the standard fantasy feels we are most familiar with but focused on the crafting system, and a player driven economy. Sounds like big talk but I'm making it up as I go along the process of making it happen.

I wanted a game where players don't need to "invest" anything to get into playing beyond the hive they staked. So users with more resource credits get to do more actions in game. Players mint the NFTs (as they acquire in game items) and they can use that to trade for the game's token which (has no inherent value other than being used to interact with other in game features) or between players.

It would have a leveling system, quests and etc you would expect to see in a regular role playing game minus the flashy parts like cool art and animations (until I get myself someone who can help me with the animations, I'm only limited to the icons, splash arts, and smaller parts).

I wanted a game where anyone can get into without being told they had to pay something as their initial investment to get started. Naturally, people would try to get their money back asap or be concerned about how much money they would be earning instead of I don't know, treating the game like an actual game and play. While I still haven't figured out the tokenomics and the small details on how to make all these things possible (will ask more experts on the subject as I go along). Not figuring it out isn't going to stop me but real life demands would.

I think we had like more than 5 and lost count how many further before we changed the direction we're going. Most of the changes happened whenever new life events come up and members needed some time off the blockchain. New names come and go until I'm the only left keeping it alive (barely). I do this because of the challenge and the idea that I'm creating some value for shits and giggles is something.

Right now I enlisted @therealflaws @juecoree and @kothy (hiatus) help in compiling the preliminary list of items to build an in game library. I made it specifically clear they treat the project as a hobby and not put too much time on it beyond their spare time. So I ended up with small progress but I'll take what I can get and thank the people who supported my nonsense. Part of the rewards from this post will be given to them.

What's the progress so far?

I finished compiling the list of items for the first parts of the game and now working on tweaking the preliminary formulas to get started.

Next on the list is compiling a monster list, their respective drops, stats, and flavor text while simultaneously doing some art stuff on item icons (I got someone else doing the list so I can focus on the art part and other details).

The math intensive parts of the game have yet to be worked out and hoping @jazzhero would come out of his hiatus to figure that part with me but there's no rush as it's already taking me a long time even do the initial parts. This is hobby time after all. Plenty of time to get better at illustrating and refining some stuff before that happens.

If you made it this far reading, thank you for your time. This is a creative footer by @adamada. A hobby illustrator

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