Slumber Party Horror: Monique's Witness

Do ghost stories make you scared, or are you past that stage in life? If you are, then I envy you because I still very much believe in ghosts.

Thankfully, though, I’ve never witnessed creatures from the world we can’t see. I don’t know if it’s a bad thing or not, but I’m happy I haven’t.

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However, I can’t say the same for my friends. One night, we decided to have a slumber party. There were at least five of us, all cuddled up in a huge bed. We had a lot of fun, but the conversation eventually took a dark turn.

One minute we were talking dates and our latest boyfriends, and before we knew it, someone shared a story of a ghost she saw on the road, and it kind of spiraled from there.

We were all very scared. Me, especially because after hanging out, I was supposed to go back to my empty bedroom to sleep; my bulb wasn’t even working. I can tell you this much, after hearing all the stories and finally retiring for the night, I slept with one eye open.

Well, since I didn’t have any stories to add, I’ll share with us one of the stories told that night. My friend Monique experienced it firsthand.

Apparently, Monique got invited out to a birthday party by a friend of hers. It was going to be held at a nightclub, so she prepared and booked a ride with another friend.

If you know anything about Enugu State, then you’ll know that the roads are pretty much dead after 8:00pm.

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I don’t know why exactly, but it is very usual that the majority of businesses are closed and shops are locked by after 8 p.m. By 9 p.m., the roads are typically deserted, and the streets are considered dangerous.

Monique and her friend hit the road minutes after 9 p.m. on their way to the club. They drove past the lonely roads, blasting music through the speakers. They had pre-gamed as well, so they were pretty high.

About half an hour into driving, they got to a hospital right across Unity Park. As they approached the hospital, Monique noticed a lady in a white hospital gown leave the hospital through the entrance. For some reason, no one seemed to notice her.

Monique curiously kept her gaze on the mysterious woman. She watched as the woman walked past the gate and crossed the road, right in front of their car.

On a closer look, the woman had a crazed expression on her face, her eyes bulged out, and her gait was shaky. She then walked a few feet up ahead and suddenly vanished into thin air.

A cold chill ran down Monique’s spine; she had just witnessed a human being disappear right before her eyes.

She instantly yelled out and broke into back aching sobs. Her friend, clearly confused, asked her what happened. But she was too scared to even utter a word.

Till this day, the memory hunts her still.

This is my entry into the Hive Ghana Weekly Contest.

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