Hive Books Reach The Students And Teachers Of Joseph Adabayere Memorial School - Hive In Education 📕 📖

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Finally, we the Navrongo team of @hivestudentshub and hive Ghana carried out a successful book distribution. This shouldn’t have been weeks ago but due to unforeseen circumstances, we had to always push the date and we even had to finally change the school.

Nevertheless, I would like to thank the leaders of hive Ghana and hive students hun for having the patience and trust to carry out this heart felt event.

With my colleagues, we saw the headmaster of Joseph Adabayere Memorial school last week and made known our intentions. He received us wholeheartedly and gave us directions on what to do next. We wrote to the education office and got approval for the task ahead.

The headmaster, Mr Francis Xavier who has expressed interest in joining our platform after reading about hive cakes us and we scheduled to do the distribution today.

At 9:00am, @nhaji01, @abu78 and I made our way to the school. The students were gathered and we were given the floor to state our reason for coming after the head teacher introduced us.

Carrying the books to the center

Nhaji took to stage to introduce hive and speak about the blogging aspect. She made a beautiful presentation which the students and teachers appreciated.

Abu78 was next and spoke about hive gaming and how the students could improve their IQ by playing games on hive like Muterra, Spl, Minetest, among others. The gamers in the group were excited by this and expressed their joy.

I followed next making my presentation on the creativity, singing and dancing side of hive. I explained to the students that those that weren’t too good at writing and games could still benefit and make an impact on hive by publishing their drawings, arts and music and dance videos.

The students seemed to like that aspect because a lot of hands were raised when we asked them those that could sing and dance. They seem to have a lot of creative people as well. If not for time we would have had a dance battle with them.😅

We then distributed the books with the help for the school teachers and followed it up with questions and answers. Each student was given 2 books and those that answers our questions were given an extra book. It made everything fun as the students were happily answering the questions. I guess whenever there’s a price, there’s motivation to answer questions.😅

We then gave our closing remarks and took pictures with the students and teachers.

At 10:30, we were done with everything and headed home.

This was what went down during our distribution. Thank you.

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