If it happens there is no fear in me

If it happens there is no fear in me


If I somehow lost all fear in life, I have to admit that would be pretty great. Not worrying about anything would free me up to take chances I'd normally avoid. But realistically, everyone has at least a few things that make them nervous or afraid. For me, my biggest fear has always been public speaking. The thought of getting up to give a speech in front of people terrified me.

However, if magically I became totally fearless, the first thing I'd do is speak out about issues with the government here in Nigeria. The amount of suffering so many face daily while politicians lavish in luxury has never felt right to me.

Someone needs to call out the greed, corruption, and lies happening at the top levels of power. But protesting or campaigning against the government here can get you into serious trouble. Many brave souls who dared to speak out have disappeared without explanation.

So most citizens feel it's safer to just keep your head down and not question the authorities. Causing any ripples risks rousing their wrath against you. Challenging injustice doesn't feel worth the risk.

But if I had no fear holding me back, I would travel to the capital and call press conferences sharing the people's hardships. I'd stand on the steps of the presidential palace demanding change. No amount of threats could silence me.

I'd organize mass peaceful protests marching through the streets for reform. And I would personally spotlight every corrupt politician by name, making their misdeeds public knowledge.

My fearless energy might inspire others to speak up too. Together we could grab the spotlight and force the government to address the suffering of its people.

Of course this is all just a fantasy. My real life fears, especially of public confrontation, keep me quietly complacent like most. But I hold onto hope that braver souls than I will gain the courage to spark the reform we desperately need. Someday truth and justice will win out.

I'd use my complete lack of fear to take even bolder stands without worrying about consequences. I'd leak incriminating documents, hack government databases, and expose every corrupt deal without being afraid of them.

Taking down powerful figures through nonviolent means would feel exhilarating. I'd organize hackathons to creatively disrupt abusive systems and redistribute ill-gotten wealth and that is all.

I'd harness the power of social media to amplify my message and mobilize the masses. Viral campaigns could force resignations and new elections on our terms or make them change for m their bad ways of doing things.

Face-to-face, I'd confront individual politicians at events with video cameras rolling. Backed by an army of whistleblowers, we'd corner them with hard evidence until they crack under pressure ,I think this would work.

To pull the root of corruption, I'd advocate for radical reforms: stripping politicians of privileges, imposing term limits, increasing transparency, banning lobbying. I'd settle for nothing less than a system-wide reset, though I know it is not going to be easy.

With big business and oligarchs no longer puppeteering from the shadows, the government could finally serve the people's interests again. Society would transform and be a better country again.

Though still far-fetched, focusing my complete lack of fear on fighting for social justice feels empowering. I guess dreaming of revolution is the closest I can get for now. But those dreams lay the seeds for real future change. Where braver souls dare to tread, others will follow in time I believe that .

Thank you for reading my post.

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