I trust the process (slow and steady wins the race)

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I trust the process (slow and steady wins the race)

When it comes to discovery oneself quickly, I think it was easy for me, to some people it's not easy, which is a normal thing in life, I discovered I can really sing at the tender age, before I proceed let me quickly digress a bit, there are plenty of people who are discovered themselves at their early stage but still could find the like light, it is not always their fault, sometimes environment is the factor that ridicule their ability, so what I am saying here is that even though you discover yourself early in life does not determine you getting there quickly, what determines this is time factor, I believe everything is time and everyone one has there times and moments in life .so going back to what I was saying before, I was asked to join the choir in my church then to enhance my singing abilities, that was how it all started but please keep in mind the environment I discovered myself wasn't suitable to my talent.

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After some years later, I am now staying on my own in Lagos, I heard people saying Lagos State is a state of opportunities, well, I am going to some extent because everything still falls to time factor, we can't dispute the fact time owns everything.everything is simply time, there is a saying that states, "slow and steady wins the race" this is where I am going, despite discovering myself early and having a lot of passion for my music career, still pushing believing that one day, everything is work out according to plan.

Not being there now is not making me change my mind about what I chose as profession, I believe in my talent and the ability of what I can do, it is just a matter of time, while I am still waiting for the right, I still attend seminars, I go to churches fit ministrations .it is what I love doing and also I singing for God is a great achievement for me.
I believe my time will surely come, I trust God on this.

Thank you for reading my post

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