The knowledge of your sleeping hour, the energy for productive mind.

Hello everyone, how are you all in here doing, hope you are all doing well, it is my pleasure to be with you in this community.

Never had it been me or Part of my body to take my working time beyond 8pm. I love my night and space of sleep, not because I'm lazy.

People just have what works for them, I got to realize this during my secondary school days. Then I had five friends, we normally set out time for studies but as the subjects progressed we thought of night classes.

It didn't work for me, but if I study during the earlier hours of the morning and evening, it stays with me for a very long time. So ever since I discovered my potentials, I stopped taking my night work as any serious thing.

I know that some people are excellent at keeping awake at night, but the fact remains that night was made to rest the body.

Even as a University student, I really don't make any good grades during my night studies, it makes me feel lazy, as if someone is taking away the things I'm reading.

Allow me to share a brief story, I'm a writer and a poet by nature, I am born with it. But I have never been able to write any captivating one before at night.

My night is my spiritual time with sleep, it is a time I get inspiration that I apply in my working place, through my sleep and dreams. This has never happened to me in the daytime.

However, some case might rate people to work at night, then having a schedule, if you are my type, is Va important, take everything important during your working hours, to avoid the night sleep distractionsin fact, it makes me fall sick.

Though I have shared my experience with some persons and a few of psychological professors in my Intuition, but they all keep telling me it is my bod's way of responding to my sleep stimuli.

If I should advise, people should try as much as the could to fine what suits them best. To be frank, I don't attend midnight prayers. Even if I do, it is totally waste of my night sleep, that doesn't make me less spiritize, is just that I have discovered what is best working for me.

So I do all the necessary work, during my day time and early hours of the morning, One better part of it all is that I don't sleep beyond 4am. And I don't wake up by any alarms, that's how it works for me, so people should fine what best for them .

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