Mixed gender schools building a value for a child character and relationship values.


Hello everyone, how are you doing,
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My name is Vablesza, I'm so excited to be with.

Would you allow your kids to attend a single school or a mixed sex school?

I have never seen or head that a mix co-ed environment prepares a student for the worst academic feature and a better academic feature.

Learning is a decision whenever people want to learn, and they tend to avoid distraction and concentrate by paying detailed attention to everything, which reason they are attempting to make a better feature out of their educational
opportunity, I see it to be a self-personal decision and not an environmental decision to say.

However, talking about if I can let my child go to a mixed co ed school, I am not convinced that a mixed school will mere or make my child.

Rather, having the opportunity to mixed up with people is also education itself.

So if you ask in detail, I won't rather say that what makes education is what the person or the child wants to achieve and not the environment.

I attended a single gender conference school, it didn't work. This was because after my primary and secondary school, I couldn't relate well with people.


It affected my relationship, how I address the opposite gender even with my siblings, and even in the church, everything outside the sex I operated among was always abstract to me .

Thank to God of the University and some few friends who accommodated my ignorance.

This is just like asking can you go to church with mixed gender, or can you work in an office with mixed gender?

I think it would be outrageous to my child because mixed gender allows people to learn from their flaws and learn habitual attitude from everyone?

To some person to an extent, the belief that their child shouldn't go to a mixed gender School, maybe for their personal reasons or possibly for the New normal system of human Nature in the world today.

But a child who does not attend a mixed school or who does to a very single gender school.

The question is, will that child after school work in a single gender environment? Will that child all through his or her life stay in a single gender environment?


So if a child attends a single—gender school, then that child did not get the proper education. What I mean the proper education here, about environmental and social relationships.

Because it matters a lot. Even when the child is done with school, the character basically would be out of it. That's so because the child did not share that value.

I think this will be so as a reason why the child did not learn it from his or her origin now. For example, I went to a public and a private mixed school.

I attended the Catholic conference school during my primary levels and my secondary levels I attended a private secondary school and during my senior secondary school I left, and I attended a public secondary school not because never learned.

But one thing I lacked was at the Catholic conference was only male, and I didn't have the attitude and the character to present my certificate after education because I couldn't relate with people outside my gender.

It is also an education Factor to consider when talking about this topic.

No, let's look at it this way, if I got all the Education that I needed within a single gender educational sector and I cannot relate with people.

How does it sound, what would be of the essence, and how do I use the knowledge of just a former paper?

That is why it is very essential that, all things being equal, we should mix things because life itself is all about mixture, you mix what you want to watch is relatively you know available and get your results.

I will say it is not all about going to a mixed school or going to a single gender School, it's just all about parental roles in the life of the child who determines his or her educational soundness.


Therefore, I will not allow my child to go to a single: gender School for the following reasons:

  1. it declines a potential of relational value in a child

  2. life is all about good and bad. There is every
    thunderstorm that your child will learn what is good and learn what is bad.

  1. Mixed school is not that your child will have the best educational qualification or the lowest educational qualification, rather it is a state that one should understand that whatever comes goes around because in it mixture is education.


I feel not that miss gender schools is the reason a child will not learn or wouldn't learn what he or she ought to know, so it's not about gender.

Seeing beyond that, allows one to see that the roles play a vital role in grooming the child from the early age and teenage.

Which would add value to what the child would become in future and not the issue of a mixed educational environment.

Thanks you for reading this post.

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