The role of social media in the hiring process

Issues concerning social media are sometimes controversial. It is generally known that social media provides an insight, especially to potential employers, on a person's lifestyle, behaviour and personal information. Most social media platforms request that we submit our details on signing up. This has made social media a concept of interest.

With the kind of information social media has about individuals, concerns about privacy have come up. Several individuals may have concerns about who has access to their information and what they can do with it.

Photo by Tracy Le Blanc on pexels

The question about whether companies should use social media profile during the hiring process is an interesting one. I will answer "Yes" to that. I am of the opinion that companies should involve the social media profiles of individuals during the hiring process.

Companies want to know who they are hiring. If I am the owner of a company, I would want to hire people that have a good reputation, great manners and unquestionable character. Companies don't want to hire people that will come in and create a toxic work environment.

As far as I know, social media gives these companies an idea of who a person might be or how a person behaves.
If someone always posts terrible stuff on social media, insults people at the slightest opportunity, or spreads false news on social media, it sends a message to the company about whom they are considering to hire. Social media is the closest thing most companies have as a means of investigation.

I don't think any company would want to hire someone who is capable of ruining their public image by their lifestyle online. Social media is a global platform. There are no barriers. Information spreads everywhere and fast.

So imagine if you build a company from scratch, building reputation and trust, and you hire someone who is controversial and ill-behaved, especially on social media. That person has a high tendency of crashing the business reputation you probably put so much effort in building. I for one, know that reputation is really crucial for any business.

This is why everyone should be careful about what they post on social media. There is freedom to speak on social media, but I think it shouldn't be misused. We should be aware that what we say or do on social media has an effect somehow on someone else.

Some might say that social media cannot be used as a proper judge of character because there are a lot of fake lives being portrayed on social media. While there might be some truth to that, I still believe that people can't always hide or disguise who they are inside. It always finds a way to come out, especially on social media platforms where people have freedom to say whatever they want.

In conclusion, people should be aware that their information and activities on social media are visible for all to see. This is why we should all mind what we do or say online. The things we say on social media could mislead, hurt, or cause problems for others. More importantly, it could drive potential employers away. Social media have turned out to become a useful tool for companies to assess the people they want to hire.

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