Life teaches as a teacher

In my twenty-five years of being on earth, I have come to know many things and learned from them. Some of these things were learned the hard way which I take as part of my journey in life. So many things that could have made me turn to what society may not like it or what my parents wouldn't like, but I was able to overcome them by sticking with the good part of the lessons life had to teach.

Some people say life is hard, other say life is a great teacher, yes they are all correct life is hard and also it teaches you how to be you and not someone else, others who rely on people to get their acts together are actually fooling themselves to a bug extent, the best is to make the best out of what life got to offer Life is not a bed of roses and it is not easy. You must take responsibility for your actions and be courageous enough to make tough decisions. In the end, it's up to you to make the most out of life and be the best version of yourself.

Staying with some relatives for a few years made me realise that there's nothing that comes free to anything except the people giving are extremely good hearted and are ready to treat you like their own. This wasn't my case. I sacrificed a lot as a girl child, though thinking about this times hurts me so dearly but I couldn't make out a way at first when I got older I realized that we're going on underneath.

So it is a must we learn from people who have more experience than us to get a better grasp of what was really going on.

Life has thrown so many lemon and I can't count how many lemonade's I had make.

The thing is we need to be a proper planner. We need to plan for the future, learning from our mistakes and preparing for the unexpected. We should be ready to face any situation life throws at us, and make the most of it. We must be resilient and determined to create a better future for ourselves.

Life has taught me a lot and it still is. The main part is to make sure that one doesn't get bullied That is why it is important to stay strong and have the courage to stand up for ourselves. We must never forget to be kind and show compassion to others. We can make a difference in our lives and in the lives of those around us.

One thing I would just have is that never rely on anyone in this life, try to always be your self and have more reliance on yourself than in others We should never be afraid to speak up for what we believe in, no matter how hard it may seem. We must be brave and never let anyone take away our voice. Finally, we should always remember that we are not alone, and that we are all connected in some ways.

Thanks for reading, this is my entry to the hive ghana weekly prompt

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