
A wise man once said that ”things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least”

Hive is very giving.

Hive is EXTREMELY giving. Just like the universe, Hive can give you most of the things you want if you work hard enough for it.

However, regardless of the quality of your content, Hive won’t reward you if you are not CONSISTENT. You have to be present consistently. You must be active, you must write posts, and you must engage as much content as possible.

Again just like this universe, Hive can’t give to everyone. So it gives in an ultra predictable manner, in a very simple and logical order. Hive fulfills the desires of the person who wants it the most, then the second most, then the third most. In that order.

For the past two months, I’ve not received much from Hive and it’s completely understandable. Life recently has been so demanding. Different activities and responsibilities have caused me some unexpected changes which has made it difficult for me to stick around.

However, I’ve also realized that Hive has become part of me and no matter how busy I claim to be, I must always find some time for Hive. But Hive requires more than just being present. There must be CONSISTENCY in that presence.

I’ve come to realize that time management is a very important part of being consistent with anything. I’ve learned that whatever I do within every 24 hours is either urgent, important, or fun.

After analyzing my daily routines, I’m now convinced that most of the urgent tasks that I attend to are not necessarily important. The main reason why these activities are able to take part in my schedule is because they are urgent. Examples of these activities are phone calls and WhatsApp messages, attending certain events, accompanying friends, and some meetings. As urgent as these activities come, most of them are not necessarily important. I react to them because they act on me.

Important activities, on the other hand, have to do with activities that contribute to your values, goals, priorities, and your ultimate mission. These activities have to do with results, they are mostly not fun, and most often, these activities are not urgent therefore it requires some proactivity to execute.

Henceforth, I’ve developed a matrix for myself that groups all my daily activities into URGENT and IMPORTANT. I’ve decided to devote my time to only the important tasks that contribute towards making me a better person.

I’m hopeful that this new habit would help improve my consistency on this platform and even beyond here.

So help me God🙏🏿

This is my first entry for this week’s @hive.ghana weekly engagement topics.

Thank you. I made my cover ingae with Canva.

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