Fun Things about Adulthood.


Honestly, the major reason I wanted to grow up so fast was so that I would have access to my pot of soup, serve a very small swallow and support it with many proteins by the side, and if you ask me, it gives me so much joy to cook knowing fully well that nobody will criticize me for eating so little or eating late or for eating more than half of the proteins in my pot of soup on the very first day I made it. That was freedom to me, and it is still a major freedom I enjoy as an adult. Even though it gets boring to eat alone sometimes, today isn’t about the boring things about adulthood, so, I eat as I had envisaged.

Bills and the never-ending responsibilities apart, been able to make decisions on my own, and running home to my dad when the result of my crazy decisions boomerangs and not getting scolded, rather, I would get a head rub with a well-done smile from him is a very big adulthood flex for me.

I could stay indoors sleeping, cooking, seeing movies, and working without stepping out for a week because I feel there’s nothing to see outside and no one would call me to come out for a moment because I might become a furniture if I stay inside for too long is a kind of flex I like. Lol. I can now take custard for breakfast and maintain a healthy lifestyle to enjoy my mission of staying slim and fit without a fight. Eh eh eh.

On a serious level, one major thing I enjoy about adulthood is being able to decide the kind of life I want to live and work actively towards it. I remember a time when I felt heavy, not fat, with an arched back and I wanted a solution to it, then, I decided to start working out, so I chose Yoga. Two years into my yoga routine, I was opportune to do it at home once, the talk of ‘how many is your body that you’re working out’ wouldn’t stop coming. Eh eh eh. Thank God I’m all grown now, and no one can stop me from doing it because I don’t want to add any flesh anyway… lol.

Adulthood has taught me how to be my own strength, to draw strength from within when it feels like I’m losing it, to build strength strong enough to be able to support others, to know that if I don’t save myself, no one is coming to save me because the years of been able to run home at every slight provocation are over. Adulthood has groomed me into a very fine strong woman that gets things done even in her down moments.

Truly, adulthood is tough, and the PR about it are the billings, the mental breakdowns, and the responsibilities that come with it, but that you can party on Sunday night, and resume work on Monday morning and still ace your presentation at work is actually one big fun thing about adulthood.

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