Discipline makes the difference in schools....

Will there ever really be the best option to make?
Perhaps it'll be an avenue of throwing up suggestions but in practicality, I think both are good and has got unique qualities to offer.

Single Sex Schools Vs Mixed Schools

The headache of making a choice between attending a single sex school (as in only boys or only girls) comes up when someone wants to enter secondary school.
It's understandable that this is the stage at which it happens because this is the stage of Adolescence; a stage I chose to call Confused Stage and when any child isn't in the right environment to direct him or her to the paths worth living for loses it all..

I personally attended a single sex school and of course, I really enjoyed it then whenever I'm in school but, whenever we went home for holidays and my friends attending mixed school tells me how their academic activities run, I always wished I could join them also,lol.
Now, the point wasn't that I wished to join them because of how good they taught but rather it was because of other extracurricular activities, so what exactly did I even want then, lol

Every choice you go with is absolutely amazing but to me, what actually matters is onboarding your child in a school where discipline is upheld in high esteem.
The goal in the end is for your child to be responsible and that's what good school will bring out in him or her....

Some will say mixed school students' gets exposed to adult life with the opposite sex very early in life since they share classes together but the truth is that single sex students' aren't saints either... These things are everywhere.

For the purpose of the prompt however, I'll be speaking for my school, the one I attended obviously since it's the one I can compare with and that's single sex school..

This is because, not just that it is "said to" save you from distraction but it actually does keep you away from distraction...
You literally just have your friends of same sex in class and overtime the discussions wanes down to the point that there's nothing much to discuss any longer and you have no other option other than reading your books most times.

However, mixed school students' in our days won the best in dressing, heheh, they're always smartly dressed since their crush might be in same class with them and they won't love to be caught unfresh whereas we just put on our uniform in whatever condition we found it, moreover, it's still me and Gabriel that will sit down, hehe

The constant struggle of befriending all the girls and more becomes a competition and sometimes derails the students in mixed schools from the main goal which is academics.


That notwithstanding, just like when I started, to me, it all boils down to a good school where discipline is upheld and regardless of whether its mixed or single and that's what I'll be looking out for before enrolling my kids.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day

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