Several Forms of Games. My favorites and reasons.

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Games are recreational activities, we participated generously to be refreshed and educated. These acts are numerous and excites one's mind. Many of them are rigorous while some of them are low energy impact but they inspired and thrills everyone including the spectators. Every recreational activities are mentally and physically induced as clear decisions are made optimally.

Participators trains physically, emotionally and spiritually for those games. Every games comprises of several challenges which must be overcome so as to be successful. These strings of achievements requires expertise, skills and talented abilities. Constant bodily and mental training equip participators sharpened those innate abilities to excel.

Many of these games are competitive. It might involve the range of players of two or more competing against each other within a regulated and conducive field with set of rules. There are group games where the team work in unison to be successful at the expense of other team.

Games promotes workmanship and togetherness as every player on the field of play help each other to enjoy the game and not to be injured. Injuries usually occur but there are protective guides to save lives and sustain any eventualities.

Games can be categorized into various forms. These categorizations might be based on the mode of play, field, equipment and other parameters. The most common types of games are indoor and outdoor.

Indoor games are played within secluded place. Mostly in halls. Some of those indoor games like cards, basketball, volleyball, badminton etc. There are many celebrated players of these games worldwide. Also, Outdoor games are played outside and the bowl with many spectators. Football is one of the prominent outdoor game and many talented stars enjoys these games with great fortunes.

Favorite Games and Reasons
All of the games, I enjoys various kind of games. I love swimming and water-borne games.
These game offer me great potentials which regulate my body's weight, health and emotions.

Apart from the health benefits, at the swimming pools, we interact and engage with others. We become friends and family. Many of my close friends turned brothers are fellow swimmers where we communicated friendly, freely and regularly. We aid each other mutually. Every end of the year, we celebrate our union and have several fun-filled activities for our members and families. The membership registration is absolutely free and we are of great number.

Volleyball is one of my favorites too. It's enterprising games with great challenges which helps participators to be fit physically. The rules prepares one mentally to be creative and intelligent before any challenges.

With volleyball, I have won many trophies and awards. I belong to the school team which makes me very famous. Everyone knows me which opens great opportunities like rare chances of visiting great men and women of our society. I enjoy full scholarship with financial benefits because of volleyball.


Every games with great advantages which will inspire, thrill and motivate the participator and spectator alike. Thanks to @collinz, @mcsamm @monica-ene and @hiveghana for this topic and platform of expression.

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