My Painful experience of Pink eyes

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When I was just eighteen years old, I feel great and full of strength. At the classroom, we joke and play at intervals. One day, one of our friends named Ngozi did not show up at school so after the day activities, we went straight to his house to check on him.

We were shocked to see him in good spirits but wearing a dark shade over his eyes. We inquired the reasons of not coming to school. He told us that I had a serious ailments called "conjunctivitis". An inflammation of outer eyes layers making it pinkish in color. We laughed at his clear explanation because the name and explanations of the aliment sound scary but our friend is the healthy person explaining to us, his problem.

Ngozi became angry and remove the shade behind his eyes. We shouted "Apollo". That's the common name for the sickness. We became quiet and calm because we have several stories about this seasonal aliment. I insisted that they are all lies while others were telling the stories in fearful state. Okey narrated how it started. It was a gift from the moon. That the first astronauts came back with conjunctivitis and was named after their spaceship called Apollo and others narrated theirs but I still that they are all lies and the ailment is not as bad as they explained and can't stop me, if I am the victim, not to come to school. Later, we went to our separate ways to our homes.

At the night, my eyes became painful and rubbing them with my hands was an option. I could not sleep comfortably that night and wake up tomorrow with swollen and pick eyes. My people look at my face and should " Apollo" and but it was not easy for me at all. I can't see properly and it felt pains all round my face. I explained to them that we visited Ngozi yesterday and he had it. My mother told us that the reason why Ngozi did not come to school is because of high rate of spread of the disease. She took me to the hospital and get treated.

Thanks so much @hiveghana, @mcsamm and @collinz for this topic and platform to express myself

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