Enhancing My Mental and Physical Health


This wonderful prompt by Hive Ghana has made me reflect on how I consciously and unconsciously keep my physical and mental health in check. Recently, about a week and a few days ago, I was so sick. In case anyone noticed, I wasn’t even able to post for about a day or two. How the sickness was treated gave me an insight into the importance of physical and mental balance in our lives. I noticed a crazy headache and sharp body pain, which I couldn’t explain. The reality is, after I recovered, I remembered I had about two sleepless nights and also went for another night shift the same week. I took some recommended medication and, most importantly, had some rest. I was back and better in a few days’ time. Aside from having some adequate rest, I believe keeping mental and physical health on par, especially in this busy and crazy world, has been something I need to intentionally arrange, as stated or sometimes unconsciously done.

As a content writer, a voiceover artist, and a media person, my daily activities can be so spontaneous, leading to changes of plans. There are other times when I have not so much to do. One of the key things I do is never to have free time, and what I mean by this is a simple rule. If I am not working, then I am resting. Like I stated earlier, there are days I won’t be able to rest due to timelines I have to meet, meetings I must attend, and projects I am eyeing (some prospective clients won’t get back to you if you don’t get back to them first!). I only create space periodically for miscellaneous or unnecessary chatting. I have my friends; we talk, we sometimes connect, and we have fun, and this refreshes my brain. But you won’t see me wasting my energy! Sometimes I play with peeps around me, refreshing my brain in preparation for a task, or I take a short walk to have some fresh air and shake off any dizziness. The principle is simple: work and play. I also don’t take things too seriously, except if they are projects or something that brings me value. Side talks, harsh jokes, derogatory comments, etc. are all seen in a positive light. Thinking about others or what others think may be a threat to your mental fitness. If I am sick, I get medical attention; if I have the time, I rest or play with peeps around without exerting any energy other than simply Laughing Out Loud at jokes; if I feel dizzy, I take a walk; and lastly, I don’t work when I am sick; I get rest!

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