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If I Have 24 Hours Left...



There is a saying that "death is inevitable", no matter how hard we try or what we do, one day we will leave this Earth as no one can live forever.

No one is prepared for it but I see the knowledge of when one would die as a blessing because that way you would endeavor to put things in order before finally leaving.

There are lots of things to do that there would be no time to finish them all. So If I have 24 hours left, I will narrow them down to these;

Create a safe space for children to learn.

One of the things I wish to do in life is to own a school where education is not used purely for business. One of the saying that some private school owners use to justify their exorbitant fees is "if you think education is too expensive, try ignorance". It's so funny how they misinterpret that saying to suit their selfish needs.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they shouldn't make a profit but it shouldn't be to the extent that an average man finds it difficult to send their wards to school, and before you come for me that people should only give birth to the number of children they could train. I put it to you that some people with even one or two children will find it difficult to train their children where the fees are outrageous.

Public schools are available but with inadequate facilities. In my area, there is only one public school and the distance to the next is so far that most parents cannot afford to send their children there for not just security reasons but also the inability to transport their children to and fro every day.

I have always wished there could be more private schools where the fees can be affordable for the masses, so that is what I will create. A safe space for children to learn and get a quality education without their parents having to worry about paying outrageous fees.

With enough funds at my disposal, I won't hesitate to create such and make my wish come true. I will put my sister in charge since we have the same vision and she will in turn employ people who would help make it grow since I won't be around to run it. I wonder how fulfilled it will be for me looking down and smiling knowing that I left a legacy behind.

Spend time with loved ones;

I once saw a movie where a woman who has few months to live threw a party to celebrate her time with family and friends while still alive.

As odd as it sounds, I love an idea like that. I might not throw a party but I would like to spend my last day with my loved ones, creating beautiful memories that could help them move on after I am gone. I see that as a way to help lessen the pain they would feel after my passing.

During my final moments, I want to be surrounded by my loved ones, with them holding my hands as I take my final breath.

Thank you all for reading.

This post is a call to us all. Life is fleeting and hence not guaranteed so we need to live every day as if it were our last.