The fear of the unseen

As a child, I was told stories of ghosts, genies, and different scary monsters just to scare me away from any evil acts. Anytime I wanted to do something inappropriate, I always remember the stories and mend my ways. I was told ghosts could not be seen by my parents while my grandmother said they could be seen that was when I became confused. In my tribe, which is Yoruba I learned that ghosts do come to visit their families on Thursdays even though I don't know how true that is.

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Since then I've always had this mentality of ghosts visiting their families. Anytime I felt strange wind or the atmosphere changed unusually, I was always scared believing that the ghosts were around. This contributes to me not going out at night because of this fear. Just as it is being portrayed in the home movie that ghosts do wear white apparel, there are times I imagine seeing them in my head.

One faithful day, at age 7, around 8.38 pm, I wasn't feeling too good after eating that night, it was during one of the holidays that I traveled down to visit my grandparents. As we all know, village settings don't have good toilet systems, I had to do what we call "shot put". My grandma gave me a nylon to defecate in while I stayed outside the house. It isn't a fenced apartment, therefore I am vulnerable to anything coming from all sides.

My heart was racing very fast because I knew where I was, anything could happen. I called out to my grandma to come to stay with me till I was done but she objected saying nothing will kidnap me. I was at the front of the house, not too comfortable because I was scared but I had no choice, I had to defecate. After a while, I raced my head up and I saw someone in a white robe coming towards me. That was one of the worst days of my life, firstly I thought it was my imagination but the more I tried to erase it from my head or mind, the closer the person drew to me.

Then I thought this wasn't imagination anymore, I stood up with speed, running as fast as my legs could carry me screaming at the top of my voice. As I was trying to rush in, I slipped and hit my knee on the closed door, I didn't mind the pain. I quickly got up and found my way inside, panting like someone who just finished a 100m race. My grandma was terrified, asking me what made me rush in like that while helping me with the knee I hit against the door.

At that moment, I couldn't say a word not until I was calm, then I narrated what I saw outside. She laughed at me, telling me what I saw wasn't right. She went outside to check if what I said was real but she couldn't see anything related to the so-called ghosts that I saw. While trying to prove to her that what I saw was real, she tapped me and said "Learn to face your fears". In my mind, I was like "Face my fears by facing ghosts? No that's the last thing I wanted to do".

To date, I believe ghosts are real and I'm always careful. What I saw that night, till now I don't know whether what I saw was real or just my imagination.

Thanks for your time and your comments shall be appreciated.

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