Misconceptions about marriage

Love is a beautiful thing, and it is expected to be enjoyed and not endured. I understand that it is the right thing to complement each other's attitudes or behaviors to enjoy the relationship. I've seen and heard of love stories that started at a young age and lasted forever, as well as some that faded along the way. No matter how it is, love is beautiful, and everyone can attest to the fruits of love when they are still fresh.

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For me, defining love comes with action because action speaks louder than voice. You can't profess love without showing it. Although some said there are ways you can profess love without showing the person you love that you do, I don't know such ways because to me, action speaks louder than voice.

Just as it was stated in the prompt, gone are the days when the phrase "till death do us part" works for or in marriages. In this era, it is very easy to step out of any marriage that is not working. No one cares any longer what society has to say about divorce. In this generation, a lady can get married and divorce as many times as she likes without minding the consequences, either for herself or her children, or for the man.

In my society today, it's more ideal for a man to get married as many times as he likes, but not for a woman. The stigma is always there, and that will pass a wrong message to the children of such women.


There are many factors that could cause a bridge in a marriage and make two lovely birds turn into sworn enemies. I've seen marriages that love couldn't uphold, and they had to go their separate ways due to the incompatibility, which was found out later in the marriage.

  • Lack of trust and understanding

  • Lust

  • Loss of interest

  • Lack of communication

  • Finances

To mention but a few, many got married out of lust, not love, with no genuine reason for deciding to go into a marriage with their partner, and at the end of the day, when they no longer see what they desire in their spouse, that will result in problems in the marriage and then divorce.

How has this affected the expectations modern couples?

It has painted a bad picture for modern couples who think marriage is all about the one-day celebration of foods and drinks, clothes, and dazzling jewelry. There is more to marriage than what we see; tolerance, perseverance, endurance, and listening ears are no longer attributes of marriage anymore. What matters most to many young couples is finances.

Recently, I read a tweet about a woman who wants to divorce her husband because her husband couldn't provide her with the luxurious lifestyles that her friends enjoy. She wanted her husband to change her car, but the man wasn't that buoyant. Then she said she no longer loved her husband, and now she wants a divorce after a year in marriage.

While reading this, I was shocked because I couldn't imagine such nonsense coming from a woman who is just a year into a marriage. All the love she claimed to have for her husband has now turned soar; who could have thought?

Young men and women going into marriage nowadays are going with a totally different mentality, which is one of the main reasons why marriages are fast crashing these days. These changes create more uncertainties and weaken the bond in marriages.

Thanks for your time, and your comments will be appreciated.

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