The Ghost and Spirits In My School—HiveGhana Weekly engagement Wk23


If you have ever spent a year in a boarding school you will discover that there are so many things you will have to learn and be conscious of as a growing individual.

Aside from manners and etiquette, you will have to learn how to run for your life whenever the need arises, and you must not hurt yourself or get wounded—run with your eyes open.

You must learn to control your tongue, it’s not all the things that the eyes see that the mouth must say.
Also, you must learn how to keep an eye on your food while eating and on your properties in the dormitory.
Lastly, you will have to be sleeping with one eye open and avoid snoring loudly at night to avoid attracting spirits.

My school wasn't that bad, or should I say it wasn't bad at all.
Only that there were so many rumors of ghosts in the backyard, a mermaid in the swimming pool, Miss Koi-koi, and Bush-baby

My first night there was very scary, one of the SS1 girls in my room had tapped me at 2 am and offered me water in her drinking cup.
I was shocked, like how the hell did she know I'm thirsty?

My bonky (the girl occupying my upbonk) was glad I didn't drink the water. According to her, that was a means of initiating me into witchcraft.
“You would have drank human blood,” she told me and I’d froze for some seconds.

Up till today, I can't drink water from people's bottles, or eat from friends anyhow.


Many of my nights in school were disturbed by screams from someone in my room or the next room. They will explain that someone pressed them or strong hands tried dragging them out from the window.

I spent six years in that school, and to
be very sincere I have never seen or had an encounter with any of these spirits.

In my SS1, many students suffered severe injuries while running from Miss Koi-koi.

We were all observing our night prep when a student raised an alarm.
“Jesus! Miss Koi-koi, everybody run!” and we took to our heels.

I was surprised at how well I jumped two tables at a time with no difficulties.

I'd love to tell you more, but the rule is to make it 500 words or less.
So In conclusion, I would say that I don't believe in ghosts because I'm yet to see one.
But I believe that there are so many things in the universe that are above human understanding.
I'm just being careful in all that I do, to live a peaceful life.

Miss Koi-koi is a ghost in my country’s legend, according to those who claimed they have seen her, she wears one leg of heels and search for the other pair in schools. She is named after the sounds she made with her shoes 👠 while wandering around—koi koi.

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