My Best Christmas Memories!

Greetings, everyone!

Welcome to another beautiful week. Though this first week used to be hectic and full of responsibilities at home, school, office and other assigned places. And I must have believed, you had a blissful day today at your different fields?

This evening, I will be sharing with you my best Christmas memories with my Hive friends. I started eating Christmas rice and stew at my tender age, by then i did know what Christmas was all about, all what i knew was to eat rice and stew with goat meat, pepper soup rice, white soup and soft drinks. All these meals, was made by my mom, at least i can still have that Christmas memories intact in my brain. I ate till I became helpless, I was breathing in my mouth and strolling around, if some food would reduce, for me to be relieved from the heaviness of the food.

This memories took place in the village in the year 2017, if I am not mistaken, at the age of 9 years old. Thereafter, I and my siblings sat under a shade seeing different colors of masquerade in the village. During festive period like this, we used to have masquerade festival, where people converge to see masquerade called ekpo ntuk eyen in our dialect.

Furthermore, visitors came around and we share our food with love and as a gift. We visited our grandma the following day, to have our own portion of our meat as grand children we honored our grandma's visitation as she has kept everywhere clean and tidy up.

Nevertheless, 2021, i behold another beautiful memories . My Dad put a call through me to come over to the house and prepare, fried rice and chicken, which i did, and it was wonderful and splendid.

In overall, the experiences in those years unexplainable because things were not hard as it is presently in this era. Things were very cheap and simple. The memories were so real and tangible. Everyone celebrated in love and peace.

I enjoyed Christmas memories in years back than of this current Christmas, because economic situation of Nigeria. I am contemplating if people will actually gets involved or thought of celebrating Christmas this year.

The beautiful thing, i beheld that time was families coming homes to celebrates with other, with love, forgiveness, and unity.

Thank for reading through.

I love, i care, and i forgive.

_I remain @peckypeace. _

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